Been a while since I bought some over the counter, can't see it has changed tho'.
You used to be able to, but for a year or more now it has been necessary to have a prescription. Some chemists can be a bit, erm, "flexible", but generally you would need to see a doctor to get the scrip.
just beware if you do get any over the counter.they can give you a much stonger dose than here in the uk.just ask them nicely if you do need any.but take your own is best bet.i have had no problems in ibiza.when i have had them even the chemist as said take antibiotics.for what i needed them for.
In 2008 I managed to get a canny few boxes of Amoxycillen for €2.70 a box - hoping that's still the case as it saved me and DH a fair few extortionate prescription charges. Was hoping it would be the same when we go this year!
just a friendly reminder Please don't use antibiotics unless you REALLY need them, they do not work for colds and flu or any other viral infection (unless there is a secondary bacterial infection). If you are prescribed antibiotics please take the full course otherwise the bacteria can build up resistance to the antibiotic.
some people are ok.but i think they upset my tummy.just gets me how cheap they are in spain to buy.
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