Hi G Breeze
Is your interview for the NZ corrections prison service like my husband's?
If so will let you know more after 27th May!
Take a look on the British ex pats thread earlier above on this same web page as there is a link to it and it gives you lots of info.
Tony - do you work for HMP service when you mention the intranet? Also are you interviewed on a sole basis in London or is it a group interview?
It is not North Island that is fully staffed, its Northland, (The new prison north of Auckland). Auckland has 3 prisons in it and I should imagine they will be glad of staff, not many people will apply for them because you get an extra 10 points for anywhere outside Auckland. I would be very intrested to know how your friend gets on in Auckland and how the wage compares to the cost of living. I am from York which is a nice town but like everywhere is costly and has its trouble spots, (Although its not as bad as the big Towns & Cities). I'd just like to welcome g.breeze to the site while I'm on and tell him the questions on the interview vary from person to person but basically they are trying to find out your views on yourself and how people see you, your motivations for going to NZ, where you want to go, (which prison), and how soon you can go.The location of the interview is easy to find, from Kings Cross go to the underground Piccadily line to Piccadily Circus, when leaving the underground use sub exit 4 and when you come out Haymarket st. is straight in front of you. New Zealand House is most of the way down on the right hand side, about 5 min. from the underground station. I was able to stop overnight at my brothers in London but from Kings Cross it only takes about half an hour to New Zealand house. If you want after the interview you can speak to an immigration rep. which I found useful, just ask at the reception desk. I look forward to hearing from you both and good luck! Tony
Just got yur last E-mail, (after I had sent mine). Yes I mean the HMP intranet and if you mean group interview as in both of you I do'nt think so, your Husband will be interviewed but, (Unless you are also in the job in which case you are both interviewed individualy then together), you need not attend. If you want to make a break of it and go together you can both quiz the immigration people together, (Two heads are better than one etc...). Hope to hear from you soon, Tony
Have just spoke to a lad taking his wife to the interview, he said she will be interviewed as well just to find out if it is what they both want. When you get picked up in reception you are taken to a room with a circular table where there are 3 interviewers and the interviewee, its all in a relaxed surrounding to put people at ease. Just out of intrest hw many are going for it at your place? There are about 20 from mine, 4 have just had letters back saying they have got the job and start in October. Again good luck and let me know how you get on. Tony
Thanks for all of the information. As far as we know there are only three people from the prison where my husband works that have applied. Paul who goes out on Wednesday, another chap who I think is not bothering now and my Husband. But there could well be others which there probably are but like us not mentioning it to anyone else.
We are going to go down to London on Thursday and are staying overnight at a hotel in Marble Arch and have decided to take our 9yr old Son and 7 year old Daughter with us as they have never been London and want to go on the eye etc. So I won't be attending the interview myself for obvious reasons!! (kids) In a way this is a shame as I also work p/t as a lecturer in social and life skills within the prison service and would have liked to make enquiries myself. Maybe I can ask a few questions to staff who are around while we wait.
Anyway better get doing some homework to prepare for some of the questions that may be asked.
Take care Tony and hello G Breeze
I hope you have a good 2 days, there is a lot to see in London. Tell your husband to be wary of Scott, (the bloke from the seminar, he seems to be there just to wind people up to find out their reaction). If you are waiting downstairs for him they may try and interview you as well. I wish you both the best of luck and would like to hear how your husband gets on. Tony
Thanks for the tip about Scott. I will look out for him, although with two children in tow who I am certain will be wanting to go to see Buckingham Palace etc (who also by the way haven't the foggiest of ideas as to why we are there), he may steer clear of us - I hope.
I promise that I will write again and let you know how my husband fared over the weekend.
Wish us luck and ps - have you heard from them yourself yet?
Kind regards
PPs did they ask you the ? "why did you apply for this job?"
I have'nt heard anything yet but am not to fussed. Yes they did ask why but in a different way. A couple went for interview on Monday and he is convinced he failed but as I pointed out so were previous couples who have been told they have passed so if your Husband is in doubt then let him know. I wish you and your Family the BEST of luck and hope to see you all over there some day, please let me know how it goes, Tony
Well here I am again but post interview now, and as promised here is a run down.
You were absolutely spot on with the info you gave us prior to going. Because London was so busy and we didn't have any idea as to time scales etc, I chose to go along to New Zealand house with my husband (and our two kids). We were directed to the 2nd floor of the building and asked to wait for someone to collect my husband. We were greeted by a Maori chap called Hattie who immediately invited all of us into the interview. I declined as we had the children and I certainly wasn't dressed to go for an interview at all!
Anyway, apparently they asked the usual questions etc. After about 30 minutes of waiting, the maori chap Hattie came to me and asked me once again if I would like to go into an informal discussion with them. I felt under pressure at this stage to go and really didn't want to in case I might jeopardise everything. However, my husband also came out and asked me to go in. I explained that we hadn't told the children anything about why we were there etc as they are only 7 & 9 years old. They wanted to know why I hadn't told them about NZ. I said that we hadn't told a soul apart from a referee and the chap who has just gone to live in NZ last Wednesday, this was due to the fact that we don't want pressure from outsiders and family constantly asking about it. We want it to be our decision and ours alone. They asked me what would be the one reason that I would dislike about leaving the UK. They also asked me where we would want ot be based even though they had already asked my husband this question. We said Auckland area to start with but they said these were not a possibilty as weren't Hawks Bay and steered us towards Wanganui Prison. I said perhaps then we would maybe Hamilton or Wellington but would prefer a coastal region on the North Island, but they seemed to skip Wellington. I felt they were set on Wanganui if anything as this is where they spoke of.
Well that is all really except that we had a wonderful, highly expensive, two days with the kids in London and it was, if I dare to say, it too hot yesterday (friday) at 89oF!!! but we fitted lots in.
Anyway hope you and us hear something very soon.
Keep in touch and good luck
Sorry I have got my Prison location wrong, it was Waikeria Prison not Wanganui. Waikeria is the largest prison as you will probably be aware and in the middle of th North Island.
By the way Tony - my husband Andrew asked if the corrections department had contacted any of your referees yet?
By the sound of it the interview went well, congratulations. They steered me towards Waikeria as well. They got in touch with my refferees within a week but some were contacted the next day with other interviewees. Have you heard anything from your friend that went to Auckland? Did they say 2 to 3 weeks for an answer? If so it may be a bit longer but as soon as I hear anything Ill let you know. Did they mention anything about the Checklist, (The Medicals, Police check etc...?). Now it is just a matter of waiting, probaly the worst part because your future is now in someone else's hands. Did they say anything about how many they had interviewed or how many staff they were after? I've heard they have interviewed about 80 and are after 110. Well I best go now, congratulations again and hope to hear from you soon.
Sorry it's took so long to reply but I haven't been on the net this week.
Have you heard anything as yet?..... I Hope so.
We had a phone call last Tuesday (just gone) from the Maori chap called "Hattie" to say he was missing a telephone number digit for one of the referees. Andrew pre-warned his referee that he may get a call and sure enough he did - yesterday. Seemed to go ok that end but again you just don't know.
They didn't say how many they were recruiting for NZ when we were at the interview last Friday and neither did they mention the checks etc except only to say that we would need to apply for the immigration part ourselves. We did actually enquire about this whilst we there and got all the info that we needed. We are not going to put pen to paper with this though until we definitely know anything about the job as there is substantial cost involved.
Well it's just a waiting game from here on in.
Take care
Ps are you going on holiday this summer?
I am still waiting for an answer from them but have asked at work for their telephone number so I can ring them because it's been 6 weeks now. I am off on holiday in 2 weeks time but was looking at a golfing holiday in December, when I get an answer I will know if I can go. 2 people at work got told August for the same prison I have gone for but they have now deceided not to go, (A lot are declining when they get their dates through). As soon as I hear anything I will let you know.
Sorry you haven't heard anything yet. I hope you get to hear soon.
Can I ask why your colleagues have turned the job down after getting all this way? Would you take it do you think. Whichever way I hope that you get on your golfing holiday. They told us march 2006 for a start date at the interview but we still haven't heard. Anyway we go on holiday to Majorca on 26th June for a fortnight so we are looking forward to that at the moment.
Speak to you soon Tony
Hi Tony
The people that said no at work felt the pay was to poor but they have a family and only one can earn so it would be hard for them. I have got Wakeria and am going for it, due to start in October, (Start of there summer, nice). I had to wait quite a while for an answer so I would'nt be to concerned just yet. At the 4 week point send an E-mail to Alex Duncan for an update, she got back to me very quickly. I hope you enjoy your holiday, (I am going on Tuesday to Poland), and keep me informed on how its going.
Good Luck, Tony
Thanks for your reply.
Many many "Congratulations" on getting the jobin NZ.
Andrew got a letter on Saturday 11th June to say that he too had got the job, also in Waikeria. They have given us a start date of march 2006. Waikeria prison is near a town called Te Awamutu which is about a 30 minute drive from Hamilton in central North Island and about an hour (ish) from Auckland. I too am still scepticle about the salary but would hope to work myself. Do you have any family Tony?
I hope that when you go you will e-mail me and let me know what it's like and what you think. If we take it, then maybe we could all meet up seeing as you would be working in the same place!
Well have a lovely holiday in Poland and I will e-mail you on this site again when I return from mine. We go to Mallorca on 26th June and return on 10th July.
Well done and take care and I'm really pleased for you
Congratulations! and it did'nt take to long for an answer either. I have'nt got any family which is why, I think, they gave me a start date of October. We still have the immigration process to go through but hopefully that is just a formality. Did they mention anything about being first aid trained in your letter? In mine they said bring a current certificate on the first day? I am going to start the process when I get back off holiday and will keep you informed as I go. Have a good holiday and congratulations again.
Congratulations to those that have received a job offer for the NZ service. I got my offer of employment on the weekend of the last bank holiday, after an interview on the 22nd April.

Like a few I am also slightly worried about the financial cost and wages, but I am sure with some careful budgeting all will be ok.
I am also going to Waikeria prison, and my date is provisionally Feb 06, so it would be good to speak to those going too and see if we can pool information.
I can be found on the intranet at work. Or obviously on here.
Scott Hunter and I work at Channings Wood.
Will write soon as got to go out and quickly saw the message. Congratulations to you too.
Speak soon

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