a bit of both really. wanted something like OLU Deniz - A/I but quiet, private beach perhaps, etc maybe, and a quiet resort, as in NO fast food chains, and famous burger chains and southern friend chicken and pizza!!!! NO loud larger louts and bars booming out music til the middle of the night and karaoke bars..... We are late 20's and 30's but want plenty of R&R and P&Q and respectable holidaying polite people not 18-30's type people.
we was thinking late 1st week/2nd week in september when most of the kids are back to school, and it is a little quieter.
other than that it would be around the 20th for a week in september.
have nothing booked yet..............wanted to go back to turkey but not OLU as been twice now. someone suggested this area of turkey.
we were even thinking morocco, but? much more expensive, and havent had any really good reviews on hotels???