Hello everybody
My mam and dad paid the deposit for a property in marmaris in June, and are still waiting for the deeds. Has anyone else been waiting this long, or has anyone recently received their deeds, i understand there will be a big backlog of people waiting.
I spoke to my own agent today and she said it could be around January.
Don't worry as some people have been waiting for up to a year in some areas due to the areas popularity and backlog of applications.
Just hang in there, all will be ok eventually
We bought an apartment and a plot of Land in Dalaman. They told us 2 months for the Apartment and 4 Months for the Land
no laws yet..new laws will be ready in 1-2 weeks...later that it will start to sell in 3-6 months to prepare new maps etc ..means dont wait before may....the best checking with a lawyer and taking rights of the house and paying all the total..than you or owner dont need to wait months and months ...
my friend brought a villa back in november 2004, and he still hasnt got his deeds yet, i know alot of deeds got sent back because there was errors on the paper work, why not get in touch with the turkish embassy in the u.k? its worth a try, i know they have a website, but not sure of the address. good luck
The new law passed through the Judical commision on 21st Dec So it should not be too long before things get going again. Everyone is in the same boat on this and as long as you have good contracts etc you have no worries.
Estate agents are always optomistic regarding the length of time Tapu's (deeds) will take. The recent changes to the law will only serve to hold things up even further I fear. There must be a huge backlog by now! I am surprised that Julies friend has not received their deeds from November 2004. I also bought then and got mine in Feb 2005. I can only think there was some hold up that caused them to be caught up in the law changes.
My husband and I are about to buy property in Turkey. Does anyone know about reselling? Is there capital gains tax?
nikki there is capital gains tax if you sell within four years of buying, currently the first 12000 YTL (about 5500GBP) of profit is tax free and thereafter tax is applied. but as said if you own the property for four years plus then there is no CGT
The law is completed. u can get deeds after today
Cheers thanks for the quick reply. Is there anything we should look out for (ie small print) or it is all as simply as they say. Any hints would be much appreciated. Any truth in that i heard women in turkey can not buy/sell property and do not have the same rights as men
http://www.anadoluajansi.com/ click on english it is on the news.
The bit about men and women not having the same rights is absolute nonsense, All of my property, flats, land and business are in my wifes name (so best I dont upset her). If you are buying with your Husband its best to get the Tapu in both names, then if anything happens things are a bit simpler. Turkish inheritance law is applied in Turkey BUT only for your property here, so your english will covers all else. When you have bought its best to get a Turkish will drawn up to cover just the property here and state in it that all else is covered in your english will.
Anyone got their deeds yet?
We bought our property in Turunc before the government decided to reassess the buying laws and we still had to wait 8 long months for our Tapu. Dont worry, you WILL get it and then you can celebrate big time like we did!
Brilliant News Today, we just received an e-mail from the Estate Agent to tell us that the Tapus for our new Apartment and Plot of Land are ready.
Thats good news, someones finally got their deeds, anyone else received theirs in the past few days?
Great news Jordy!! We bought end of August took out an hipotek, still waiting for Tapu though. Cant wait to get ours.
We've just had an e-mail from our soilicitor in Bodrum, our deeds will be signed next week almost 1 year to the day we bought the property!
congratulations dandelion, and about time too!!!

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