lyn im sick to death of bailing her out, ive never once asked my mother for any money, she seems to think im her personnel bank account. do you remember me buying her flights to prague and hotel for xmas present and then flights were cancelled and i ended up having to rebook flights and 2 extra days accommodation etc. well i had 2 calls from her from prague in 5 days bailing them both out for extra money twice, it drives me crazy, these youngsters live beyond their means. shes got 1 car, no kids, rented house which is reasonable as most bills some how seem included ,shes a manageress of a popular high street fashion store, hes a plumber on good wages and hes got various trust bonds every mth from his grand father and they are on huge amount of wages between them and always broke, i cant understand it, they earn more than us and we have 3 vehicles to run, a child to keep and high bills in the house, ill never understand it, and my 5-6 hols a year lol. where does their money go, on stupid things i guess. they should be able to save loads of money its insane. see you have got me started now

this is why i would rather they go all inc, then i wont get the dreaded calls lol