I have flown on both types and personally found the 777 a far superior aircraft. I thought the noise levels were similar but the Boeing (KLM) was far more comfortable,the lighting was better and more efficent and certainly climbs fast than the Airbus, which was SAA and about as comfortable to fly on as a park bench.
The Airbus's I flew had a few years on them...yet I found them quite comfortable...the 777 was brand new and had all the latest bits and bobs you would expect on long haul scheduled...found the seats a bit hard but thats a subjective thing. The interior cabin noise though did appear to be more on the Boeing. I've never been able to hold a normal conversation on flights before on other flights I've been on so was suprised I could on the Airbus.
i usualy get a seat in the wing area, and much prefer the airbus to the boeing i also thought the noise level in flight was a lot less.. unfortunatly that means i can here the other half
This survey
Passengers selected their preferred choice of aircraft type, examining a variety of cabin comfort features, such as cabin noise, cabin width, cabin ambience, seat comfort, overhead bin space and ease of embarking and disembarking.
Althought the width of short haul cabins is pretty much the same between say the A321 and the B757 there are some differences. This comes especially with the shape of the walls. The B757 is older and has a square design, the A321 is newer and has curves. The engines are very similar so there is not much noise difference. However Airbus uses newer materials for sound insulation, so make your own conclusions.
On long haul however things are slightly different. The engine type on that aircraft affects noise levels slightly. Most long haul aircraft are not configured in the same way, e.g B777 configured different to a A340.
The new B777 Style interior as photographed here by this forums very own Dazbo Click Here. Whilst doing the upgrade newer sound insulation materials would have been fitted.
I know i have rambelled on but there isnt a definitive answer to this one.
Don't let aviation enthusiasts see this thread, it'll spark and Airbus V Boeing war! Its difficult to say generally whether Airbus' or Boeings are quieter or not, different sized aircraft have different noise levels. The 737/A320 size aircraft, I do think the A320 is slightly quieter but it depends on which 737 you are on because they've been around since the 70's with many varients wheras the A320 is a more modern aircraft developed much later with newer technology so you'd expect it to be more refined. Same with the 757/A321 class, I think thwe A321 has the edge but the 757 is a much better performer. In the A330/767 class, there is no comparisin, the A330 is by far the quietest aircraft in that sector because it was developed to be quiet. There are many variables in terms of noise levels, but I'd say Airbus' tend to be a bit quieter in the cabin. It also depends on where you sit, that can make a huge difference. As long as I get to the destination safety and the cabin is comfy, I'm not too bothered in there are a few extra decibels. Plug your headphones in and enjoy the IFE!
Having been on many - especially AB320...AB321 and lots of 737's I think the undercarriage going up and down on the airbus is noisey and the flaps always seem to wake me up !! While the "piggy jets" are just nice and quiet. Also Mr Boeing is a little acreless in the positioning of the IFE boxes...always seem to get in the way - especially on the 777.
The quietest flights we've had have always been upstairs in the 'bubble' on 747's. We've been on 737+747+757+767+777 + Airbus A320 A330 as well as fokkers and smaller planes (which are very loud!!)
Have to say the early Airbus A300's I've been on are some of the worst civil aircraft I've been on, noisy, uncomfortable and smelly. However the newer aircraft seem a load better (been on A319,320,330 and 340 and they have all been quite comfortable).

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