France and Channel Hopping Discussion

Discussions regarding holidays and channel hopping in France.
au joly jeu
7 Posts
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I have been away for a few daays, sorry about delay in getting back in.
I will try and type up the text.
I have no french.

This is a madrigal, music by Clement Jannequin.

Au joly jeu, du pous avant de pou s'avant du,a
il fait bon jouer
verse 1
L'aultrier m'aloys e sbaloyer.
Je reencontray la belle au corp gent,
soubzriant doulcement la vois baiser. elle en fait doute
mais je la boute,
laissez, laissez, laissez trut avant .
verse 2
Pour ung reffuz me fault laisser
pour ung reffuz me fault laisser.
Propos luytins la belle corps gent
soubzriant doulcement la vois baiser.
Elle riotte dance sans note
laissez, laissez, laissez trut avant
I'll get on to it - it's old French so will take a bit of time, but I've sung it myself so it shouldn't be too difficult - but, well, like all medieval pastimes it is linked to a 'roll in the hay', so my translation may have to be a bit pedestrian!

A bientôt

Well done.

Not too pedestrian please.

The choral group like a bit of a laugh,

I am obliged,

Dear Billyboy,

Your group will love this! First of all I tried to find a translation on the web (lazy bod that I am), but none was available! There was a first line published by Schirmer of the good ol' US of A that read 'The loving game, what fun to play' and I decided that a miss was as good as a mile so here goes.

I found a modern French transcription on INVALID URL and a German translation which helped ... so here goes. It's not a metrical poetic translation, nor does it limit itself to the actual words because in this day and age, double entendres have more than double meanings ... but as prose in bawdy English you should get the gist ....

In this game of flirtation, you've got to be a good player!

The other day when I was out walking
I met a beautiful girl with a super body
Smiling sweetly, I wanted to kiss her
But she had her doubts about this, and I first pushed her away
And then I encouraged her (ie led her on)*

In the light of her refusal, should I let the matter drop?
So then I spoke lovingly to her
Smiling sweetly, I wanted to kiss her
She laughed gently and her body danced, even though there was no music
And I encouraged her

In this game of flirtation, you've got to be a good player!

**pousse avant is really the equivalent of today's 'kiss chase'
* trut avant is like the clicking noise you make to a horse to get it to walk on
and the Petit Robert actually describes riotte as literally making a sound like a guinea fowl!! I think a nervous laugh comes close enough don't you?!

It's a great sing - as are most of Jannequin's madrigals ... have you tried le chant des oiseaux? It's really quite hard but most enjoyable once the singers have stopped giggling and managed to start singing.

All the very best

Alsa xxxx
Morning, I was away again.

You'r a star.

I had searched all the usual sites and found nothing, delighted with your response.

I think this is for a competition in November, I expect the choir will start on this piece, when we return in September. The other piece is "Weep o mine eyes" which is much better known.

Merci pour tout votre assisance.
C'est tres bon d'avoir recu les paroles avant de notre premier fois de le chanter.
Aurevoire de la verte et pluvieuse Irlande !!!!

A comment from herself, more European!

Beatha agus slainte ( life and health)

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