my mother has a lovely apt 1 mile outside marmaris, heres the link , any questions im happy to try and help
Make an enquiry to Icmeleronline they too, like ellie-meg are very helpful. he has a few apartments and 1 large house to which we are staying in this year,never been in his apartments but apparantely they are lovely
Hi why dont you try as an added bonus I know they are offerrng 1 free excursion on all bookings at the moment.
There is a new site offering hotels and apart hotels around marmaris for this year. The site is still being finalised with hotel details but it up and running for bookings, check them out at or have a look at private rentals on this site Good luck with your search.
If you're only looking for 1 week at the beginning of August please see our web site we have one remaining week for our accommodation in Iclemer in August which will be heavily discounted to encourage any one that can fit in with that specific week. 
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