We are holidaying in Palmnova the first 2 weeks in October, during which time our son turns 18 (5th October). Will BCM still be open ?. Last year we where in Magaluf on the same dates and I think it opened one night in early October.
Adam (Goodfellows) maybe you could enquire for me, but I realise that they sometimes shut late September.
I think it will be touch and go.
Starts to get very quiet at BCM about end of September, and then they reduce it down to weekends only, which may be mainly for Spanish, and then close early to mid October.
I think you'll have to wait and see.
I was at the Popcorn Party in Millenium Beach (beneath BCM) on Saturday night.... ahhh memories....
You might just be able to catch their closing parties which are very popular with the British too, why not check their website?
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