We docked right in the centre of Copenhagen and walked straight off the ship, along the quay and among the first things we came to were the Little Mermaid and the Royal Palace.
Copenhagen is a very easy place to get around on foot. All you need is a street plan and a pocket guide book. We had a full day there and had a wonderful time.
I would check out the docking arrangements with the cruise company.
Danger Man
We are stopping at Kalundborg which is about 50 miles from Copenhagen. There's probably a train service to link the two which might be worth looking into. I've been to Copenhagen several times. Tivoli Gardens is one place the kids will love.
They provide farewell entertainment on the pier. There's photos of dancers in national dress and a band, on the cruisekalundborg website. It seems that they only get a cruise ship once a month, so they really go to town by the look of things.
INVALID URL and although it's in Danish (unsurprisingly) it's fairly easy to use. If i understand it correctly, trains from Kalundborg to Copenhagen can take around 90 minutes or more and the total fare for a family of four amounts to almost 800 DKK - around £90. This is probably quite a bit lower than an organised trip but there is a bit of a "hassle factor", not to mention the risk of missing the ship on the way back! Exploring the town of Kalundborg may be a good option.
I've just been looking at the Danish railways website (Do you intend to take currency with you or change it on the ship?
I hope our children manage get together; mine are sometimes a little shy and reluctant to break the ice, but I'm sure they will have a much nicer time if they make lots of friends. I also think my husband and I will have a nicer time if they make friends!
We will be taking Euros with us but buying Danish Krona etc onboard. We tend not to spend a lot of money when ashore - most of our money will be spent on the ship. Neither of my kids are the mixing type, unfortuntely; we always try to encourage them but you can lead to a horse to water, as they say! That said, there will be relatively fewer teenagers on this cruise I think so who knows what they will get up to?!
Our daughter isn't the outgoing type either. But unless they do make the effort to mix with the select few onboard, they'll end up looking at each other and not doing much.
I have looked at trains too. It seems that there's not much difference in travel time by road or rail - the train probably stops quite a few times. According to the ticket booklet, examples of excursions to Copenhagen are around the £30pp mark. We're going to have to do a bit more research to determine whether 3 hours on a coach is worth it as opposed to staying locally.
Remember next time you do the baltics you will likely be in Copenhagen any way, allthough sometimes ships do use a dock that is not walking distance.
I've been to Copenhagen many times on business - it is a lovely city. But like many business travellers, I've seen very little apart from the airport, the city centre and lots of hotel rooms. It would be nice to wander around and see a bit more at leisure.
I must say that for our daughter the excitement has finally kicked in. Every other conversation she has is about the holiday and I even heard her chat with a mate in a positive way about it

Roll on Tuesday!
Luckeebe wrote:I must say that for our daughter the excitement has finally kicked in. Every other conversation she has is about the holiday and I even heard her chat with a mate in a positive way about it
Hope you enjoy,

Am expecting you to tell us you had a ball.(tic)!!!

This might seem an odd request, and I don't even know if anyone will actually read this, but I'm doing it anyway.
I'm was on the Thomson Celebration cruise from Harwich round the baltic capitals on the 5th of August (I'm a 22 year old guy and thought it was excellent). I was travelling with my mum, dad and sister.
Also on the ship was a girl travelling with her sister and (presumably mum and dad), who I often gazed at adoringly but never mustered up the courage to speak to. For anyone reading this who was also on the boat, I'm fairly sure you'll remember her- she looked about 18, she had black hair, pale make up and wore funky, punky clothes. She really stood out, and I thought she was beautiful.
But I never spoke to her, and now I wish I had. So, in the vague hope that someone knows her, what was her name? And would it be at all remotely possible to provide an email address?!
All a very long shot I know, but there we go, it's better than not doing anything at all.
Thanks everyone.
Of course people will read it! Whether they will be able to help though is another matter. What a pity you didn't summon up the courage to talk to her or even get your sister to talk to her.
Good luck!

It is indeed a pity. Even when picking our cases up at the very last moment I still didn't say anything, got in our car and drove away kicking myself, so I hope this works.
As for the gist of this thread, there was a large band of teenagers on board, which I hadn't expected, and they all seemed to love it (with good reason). If anyone is thinking of taking their kids on this type of cruise in future I'd say do it.
Thanks for that info. Perhaps you will be able to help members further with information on excursions, etc.
Tenaciousp - I remember the girl you mentioned. Sadly can't help with the name as, like i said, my own two kept to themselves.
Sadly, we do not know the identity of the 'goth' girl, but thought she was really cool.
He who dares wins, tenaciousp (Pee Wee).
To make it easier next time,
Get into the habit of talking to anyone and everyone, smile, hello, even the corny stuff like, is this your first cruise, where you from, enjoying the cruise, did you see the show, what did you think of dinner etc.
And if you want to find out info, like where someone hangs out so you can arrange to just bump into them, ask the crew, they know everything about everyone.
Definately train your sister in the art of introductions.
Before your next cruise practice at the supermarket, pick the cute checkout girls and do small talk.
Nice after the event try, good luck on the search.
WOT!! Now we are an AGONY AUNT W/J No end to your talents!!

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