Thailand Discussion Forum

Discussions regarding holidays in Thailand.
Bangkok Bombs
6 Posts
not good news- but hopefully they have the culprit now.

Edit to add
the foreign office have advised againist all travel within Bangkok( unless absolutely necessary) until further notice.
We're fine , Elaine.

Nothing to report here on Koh Chang - it's life as normal. The Thai govt still has no real idea about who is behind the bombings other than it's he work of subversive undercurrents. Hmmm.

One of the other posters on this forum is staying at our place with her family and she was getting SMS's from friends back home asking if she was OK - they were fine, on the beach celebrating NYE here on KC.

Just to put things in perspective . . . over 350 people died on the roads in Thailand during the 3 day New Year holiday. Bet the UK Foreign Office or any one else for that matter hasn't issued any warnings against non-essential road travel in Thailand.
Hi Mcfarang Glad to hear your in a safe place and your area is not involved.
Australia's DFAT travel warning has not changed and remains at 'High degree of caution'. For Yala, Pattani, Narathiwat and Songkhla the recommendations are at a higher level 'Reconsider your need to travel'.
I spent all day surfing the net for cheap airfares with Thai Airways on Sunday (not out yet) we are thinking of giving the mainland a go this time instead of an island. Rabbit Resort 10 mins outside of Pattaya is looking good.
Cheers Geri
I dont think you'll find anyone rushing to Yala, Pattani, Narathiwat and Songkhla - there's people being shot or bombs going off virtually everyday down there - usually killing teachers, monks or rubber tappers. But as there's no reason to visit those provinces anyway the problems in the south east of Thailand havent affected tourism. That'll only happen when someone has the idea to bomb Phuket (Although Hat Yai was bombed a few months ago and a couple of expat teachers killed.)
Glad you're well away from it Macfarang :)

The FO seems to have stepped down their warning now to advising people to exercise caution and avoid crowded public places. Not sure how you do that in Bangkok :?

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