Firstly I stress that I have absolutely no involvement with Thomsons, but looking on the Internet for accomodation for some friends of ours, I stumbled across the fact that Thomsons are offering rooms in the Fiesta Sahara Appartments (accomodates 4 I think) for 7 pounds per room a night during the Easter week.
Why they are so cheap, I don't know - maybe they've filled all the seats on the plane and they've too many rooms left, but it seems really cheap. If there are any cheap flights that week from your area, you could bag yourself a cheap School holidays bargain.
The fact my bar is just round the corner, is PURELY co-incidental.
The schools are not off at Easter,apart from Good Friday until Easter Monday!.Most are off for 2 weeks in April,therefore making April an expensive time to take a holiday!
That would explain it then. Never known that to happen before.
Schools in our area are closed from Thursday 20th March to Monday 7th April for the Easter break (that's Leeds). Linda.
Because Easter is early this year March the schools are only off Good Friday and Easter Monday
Then they go back on the Tuesday but break up again 4th April till the 21st April for Easter Holidays well thats up north (Hartlepool)
I think a lot off family's wont know about this untill the time comes and have booked holiday's for Easter (March) like i nearly did myself.
Then i thought i had better check with the school and daughter's coledge that they are actually off and that's when i was told.
It's the same here in Somerset. Schools finish on Friday April 4th and go back Monday 21st April but where we used to live in Hertfordshire the schools are finishing on Friday 21st March and go back on Monday 7th April. Their half term is also this week whereas it's next week here.
Yes our kids break up this Friday for half term also, but i think its really silly about Easter.
My hubby was saying last night just Who decides when Easter is
Because all different schools in different towns in this country are off different times for Easter holidays?
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