General Holiday Enquiries, Hints and Tips

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11 Posts
Hi yummymummy, I've just googled days inn mirror deals and it took me to the offer page. It seems the offer is now closed.

I booked mine this morning, and received confirmation to my email address with my reservation code.

In fact on the page it says the offer is available until 28th October

i'm not sure if im allowed to post the link??
It seems the last voucher was printed in the Miror on the 13th, so you'll no longer be able to get a voucher. If you've already got a voucher, then you can probably still book.
I bought a paper this morning and the tokens were in the paper??
EDIT: Sorry, but for copyright © reasons, material from other websites may not be copied and reproduced, please ONLY provide a weblink.

So yes you can still obtain a token, you have until Thurs 20th October 2011 to get a token :)
hope this helps
  • Edited by Kiltman HT Mod 2011-10-16 15:22:27
    To remove copyright © material
That's great yummy mummy, a big help to those off on hols soon. I googled it the same as Shirley, so perhaps the latest offer isn't there yet :tup
You must have googled it and came up with 2010 offer. :cheers
Just had a look, and there's none down our way at that price!
Sorry about giving the wrong info in my last post, the page I visited had today's date on it but further down a 2010 date so it was a bit confusing.

Sounds like a great deal :tup
Oh no Helen :( , are you searching more than 28 days in advance, as this only gives you the special rate.

Shirley, when i tried to search for it on google it only came up with last years deal, so thats why i presumed you had found that too.
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