General Holiday Enquiries, Hints and Tips

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anything by Jeffrey Archer that I have not already read, anything by Maureen Lee that I have not already read and anything else that catches my eye. I tend to do alot of diving so do not have time to read much. :)
Mini Shopaholic & Twenties Girl - Sophie Kinsella. 3 books by Sophie Kinsella writing as Madelaine Wickham. Gallery Girl - Wendy Holden. 3 x Belinda Jones and 3 x Linda Green and Jump - Jilly Cooper.

That should keep me quiet for a while :rofl Will spread them over 2 holidays, but have got more in reserve should I need them :yikes
paul o gradys latest one i only usually read autobiographys, luckily its out on paperback before i go away as i hate big hardback books, not sure which other as i usually read at least 2
Sister by Rosamund Lupton, just bought a couple of books from Amazon and this one was just under £4 bargain.
The latest JD Robb (which is out in March but will save it till June - if I can :-? ) and the latest by Nora Roberts (which is out in April) are definates. Plus, I will pick up a few others that take my fancy between now and then. Aim to take at least 5.
Last year I picked up Martina Cole's 'Hard Girls' from the 'book box' in our hotel. I got into it so much that I never realised the last two pages were missing until I was on the plane home! :cry Anyway I will be taking one of my very own NEW Martina Cole book this year. :rofl
Just started reading Hard Girls by Martina Cole, Rachincov. I usually just take anything from my bookshelf that seems lighthearted, and will not make me cry on the sunbed :rofl Usually get through around 4 books if we holiday in a group, around 6 or 7 if it's just hubby & I.
Anything I have near me at the moment of packing as my friend keeps me supplied with loads of books and I will read anything apart from horror - can't be doing with that - have enough horror in my normal day to day life!!!

Have to depend on hotel box out there as I read so fast can go thorough several books in a week and due to weight restrictions can only take two with me!!!

It always works out ok for me as I seem to find plenty of variety in other peoples reads.
well I've started buying books to go in my 'holiday drawer' along with sunlotion and stuff.
For me, I like a proper good, edge of your seat, can't put it down, thriller. Mind you, don't know what it says about my personality, but the more inventive the serial killer, all the better !! :rofl
I'll probably take about 4 or 5 books for a weeks holiday, like to read when hubby and daughter are in bed, scare meeself silly, but it relax's me !
I never decide what I am going to take until just before I go as I never really know what sort of mood I will be in. I was thinking of saving "A Watermelon, a Fish and a Bible" as it is set in Cyprus and I like to read something set abroad when I am away but I read it last week ;)
I'm thinking of buying a kindle,loading it with books and not having to carry as much weight.I usually take at least 6 books then hunt around the hotel to see if I can find more.I'll not start buying holiday books until I decide whether a kindle will be used very much.
I usually look for a couple of library books and love Maureen Lee or Katy Flynn, but have probably read them all!!
I have Trust Me and A Lesser Evil by Lesley Pearse in reserve which I am saving to read around the pool in a few weeks. :hyper

Hubby.....What Car and Auto Express......Caz
about 50 in total all on my kindle and haven't paid a penny for them.
I look on amazon every day and go through all the free books,have had some great reads.
We don't go on our main holiday until September so will start saving now,I keep looking on Amazon to see what free books there are.
Justval, have just finished Martha's Journey by Maureen Lee. A great read and even gave me a couple of weepy moments. :( I enjoy Ruth Hamilton, Katie Flynn and-------being Welsh, Catrin Collier but will read mostly anything, especially when away.
Depends if anything takes my fancy in September/early October to be honest.. :cheers
Another Kindle convert here. Love it. Have lots of books on it waiting to be read, some were freebies or at minimal cost as well as some at 'normal' book rate.
On holiday at the moment and had Pulling Myself Together by Denise Welch delivered to my Kindle yesterday morning - just finished it before I came on here!!!
Also have the Daily Mail delivered as we are out of UK for 3 months and that takes a couple of hours to read - good buy at £9 a month including Sunday Mail.
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