Hi Fiona,
I love hols and everything about them. How do I go about applying for a position as a mod and what does it involve? Are you willing to share this info with me please? I really would be interested.
when vacancies occur there is no general applications, members are invited by the admin team to join.
to give just one insight have you seen http://www.holidaytruths.co.uk/viewtopic.php?t=100357&highlight=life+mod
I would love to "give it a go" as I spend most of my spare time on here. During term time I'm a Learning support assistant but visit this site every evening. Without any training I don't know if I'd be capable of every technical thing involved e.g. merging posts etc.
Were you all "technically minded" before taking on the job or was it something you learnt as you went along?
Thanks again
myself, i try to look at my forums before work [if I'm up around 3-30 am]
off to work before 5am and get home any time between 4pm and 9pm [occasionally later] then eat and finally do my bit on here before bed, i like many others thought an hour a day easy, apart from the odd long days [finishing after6pm] i spend at least 3 hrs on ht and at weekends and days off i will be logged in from bed to bed however long it takes

It's more about teamwork and helping each other in terms of commitments etc.,
However, I do have to say that addiction or even madness comes into the equation as well

Shirley - we will keep you in mind when we are recruiting

Kath x

To be eligible to become a Moderator of this illustrious group you have to be or able to do one or all of the following:-
1 Have at least fours per day 7 days a week 52 weeks a year spare (you are allowed two weeks for your personal holiday).
2 Your skin has to be at least a thick as a Rhino and also waterproof.
3 be able to count to at least 2000 before replying to posts.
4 Be totally committed to the site
Sorry that last bit should not have the words "to the site" on the end.
Other than that you should appear as normal a person as possible.
for goodness sake Allmen

As has already been said, I think admin look for members who are constantly helping others by posting links and looking for info for fellow members.
Not just in the forums for the destinations they've travelled to but across the whole board. They also look for members who don't regularly cause arguments etc!
You don't have to have been to a place to help the members of that forum.....I've never been to America or the Caribbean (Egypt, Canary Islands and Menorca are where I've been) but I do know how to search for info

I'll never forget how gob-smacked I was when admin asked if I wanted to join the team!

P.S I know some members assume we're paid...we're not

They also look for members who don't regularly cause arguments etc!
....... you can hear the sound of application forms being torn up all over the country !!

thats mine put in the bin then.........
think i will apply for bomb disposal instead..........lol.....
Even before I heared about h.t. I loved trawling the web for info.
Anyway, thanks again.
I've no idea what made the team choose me

yes- I wasn't joking when I wrote that Sarah
I know why Fiona, it's cos your kind and have a sense of humour, essential for a mod.
Thanks Pat

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