Hi mekkimart,
Bottle of local beer, Mythos (500ml), should set you back around €1.50-€2.00 in the bars and tavernas. A few places will offer a two for the price of one deal on bottled beers.
Expect to pay about €2.00-€2.50 for most spirits. Some places may be a lot cheaper, but there is usually a good reason...................!! Draught beer isn't that widely available in some of the resorts, but tends to be around €2.50-€3.00 a glass.
Cocktails can be as cheap as €2.00 but I've seen places charging €4.00-€5.00. Same advice as above, if it seems to cheap....let the buyer beware.
Supermarkets tend to charge around .90 Cents to €1.00 for a bottle of beer.
Haven't stayed in Lardos but stayed in Pefkos in 2004, so I'm basing these prices on that stay plus what we payed for drinks in Kos last year.
Hope that helps.
Have a good holiday, and remember, GMT stands for Greek Maybe Time, and it also stands for Greek Mythos Time.