Benidorm 1983 was my first lad's holiday,had such a brilliant time that the summer holiday became the event of the year.
Anyway,I have a certain birthday impending and have decided to spend it in good old Benidorm where my love of holidays started.I found a load of old Benidorm flyers and tickets from bar's and clubs in the loft and would love to know from some of the regulars here if any of them are still there.
1.The Black Bull,ponienete side.Practically lived in that place in 83.If you had seen the dump of a hotel we stayed in you would know why!On the last day we took a shopping bag full of all our shrapnel(5 peseta coins etc)and the barman patiently counted it all out and we had enough for steak and chips and beers for eight

2.Evas disco,that was in the new town.usually came out of there when it was light!
3.Black sabad disco,new town.met my first ever Swedish girl there.Still have her old address on the flyer

3.Duke of Wellington,upstairs pub if i recall.
4.White Horse,remember this because they used to play The Cure,big fan at the time.
5.Champions,bought a t-shirt from there.
7.Talk of the coast
8.Vincents pub in the old town.Had my first ever san Miguel there.
Hope i havent waffled on too long,but would love to know if any of these places are still going.
Looking forward to going back there.