looking for a holiday in april thinking of benadorm what weather like and entertainmet at this time of the year 8th april
thanks will be 3 kids with us
Hi Benidorm is normally quite nice in April, but you never know, i have been when it's been really hot then another time it rained the whole week, i have been looking to go on the 3rd of April the cheapest flight i have found was around £110 as it's Easter school holidays, but with Benidorm if the weather is not too good there are loads to keep the kids happy
I always go to benidorm in May and it is jumping - nightlife fanastic and heaving - loads of Stag and hen parties always up for a good laugh. assuming April will be pretty much the same especially saying as easyjet fly there you find loads of folk go for weekends. Goin on the 9th of March so will advise once back how busy it was - if its busy in march you'll defo be ok for April
I've never been to Benidorm in April, but I have been in March, when they are just coming to the end of their Winter Season.You should find that pretty much everywhere is open, so you will not be spoilt for choice when it comes to finding something to do.
If you are contemplating visiting any one of the Theme parks, it would be best if you visit the individual Theme Park website to check on Opening Times etc etc. But in Resort itself, all the Bars, Clubs and Restaurants will be open as usual. You may find that some of the shops still start to close up at around 8pm(ish) though. Benidorm Palace will be open and is well worth a visit one evening. The twice weekly markets will be operating as usual and will be as busy as ever.
Also, you may find that its probably still a little chilly in the evenings, so you may want to pack a pullover, or a cardi, or a fleece jacket. Although you will be able to purcahse something in town for around €6 - €10 if you forget.
Whatever time of the year you decide to visit Benidorm, you will not be dissapointed.
The first time i went to benidorm i went for a week end of april everything was open and it was hot loads of people on beach i wore shorts most days the only time i needed my jacket was on the plane.
Hi! Im thinking of going a 4 night break to the hotel calypso in benidorm! could anyone tell me if benidorm is hot in april? and is it busy? i am 21 and my partner is 23! Thanks!
Hi all I am going in April (25TH) for 4 nights , went about this time 5 yrs ago and was hot and plenty to do and everywhere was open
me and my partner went on 23rd april last year for 1 week. The weather was gorgeous. Only one of the days it was a bit cloudy. We only went to the beach once and only lasted 20 mins as it was too hot! Visit the theme park iit is great!!! We got discount flyers from a geordie bar. Try and get them!!
going benidorm on april 34th for 2 weeks does anyone know what weather to expect just returned from hotel orange weather was great not been end april before
sorry meant 24th april thanks for that sue
Just wondering what Benidorm is like in April? Will the bars be open and is it fairly busy. Any feedback would be appreciated.
It is very popular with the Spanish and there's bound to be a procession going off somewhere.
The bars are open and the weather can be a bit hit and miss.
It is still quite cool at night, but the later you go in April, then the chances are that the weather will be improving daily as we get nearer to May.
I've been many times in early April...to celebrate my wedding anniversary on the 11th, which sometimes falls within Easter week....but not always.
I've had a couple of holidays where the weather was terrible...monsoon rain for days resulting in flooding and cold enough the freeze the

Most of my videos were filmed in April...take a look.

Sanji x
just windering if any one could confirm the weather that can be expected in benidorm in early april?
my wife and i are looking for somewere in the sun to celebrate our 25th wedding, but are on a budget as we go to mexico in august.
any help will be greatly appreciated.

Eifion & Belinda.
We spent our 25th wedding anniversary (2006) in Benidorm...the 11th April to be exact.
We could have gone anywhere, but we decided on Benidorm and I'm so glad we did.
Apart from the well wishes/cards and an announcement being made in the hotel, which required both of us to go up on the stage

My husband wanted to take me to Benidorm Palace for a meal and to see the show, but I didn't want to go, that was my choice, I just wanted to be with him and near the sea......he said he felt quite mean and as though he had "failed" to make our day special.......bless him

Nope, we did what we wanted, but the opportunity was there.
The weather should be warming up nicely although because of the queer seasonal changes, can still be a bit hit and miss, but when the sun is out, it will be hot.!...nothing is guaranteed anymore with the weather.
Would you have ever thought that we would have temperatures reading 25º C at Christmas and even hotter in sheltered sun traps.?
We've been to Benidorm many times around end of March and April, both our birthdays and wedding anniversary fall in these months, and apart from one particular year where we had monsoon rains for 3 days none stop, (I'm going back a few years here) We have always had good weather and come home with a tan...the nights and early morning will still be a bit nippy though and you'll just need a cardigan/jumper on, until the sun blazes through.
Even if it is cloudy during the day, it is not cold, although again, there could be the odd day here and there.... where it does feel cold.
You have opportunities and choice in Benidorm to make your day very special, there are plenty of resturaunts and shows to chose from.
Benidorm and your anniversary is what you make it.
I did some videos in April including the journey up to the cross.....check them out in the sticky thread..
That was one hot day, believe me

Go for it, you'll not find better value with a short flight time anywhere else. IMO
BTW: I have the same problem ...my hubby is 65 this year and I hit a round number

No guess's what that number is please.
Sanji x
thanks for the detailed reply very grateful, do you have the name of the hotel that you stayed in?

I went back 6 weeks later and have already made plans to return this year.
If you are smokers, then smoking is permitted in this hotel in a designated area.
We had great plans to go here, there and everywhere for our anniversary, but, I had been suffering with a "frozen shoulder" for 6 months prior and therefore I wouldn't book anywhere because the recovery period was not going well....if anyone has had a "frozen shoulder" then they'll know where I'm coming from.!
Subsequently, by the time the shoulder showed signs of improvement, all the hotels that we would have preferred to book in Benidorm, were already booked up.....Our anniversary falls within the Easter week(s).
So, it got down to a case of either stop at home and possibly go out for a meal (weather permitting) or book the Regente.
I just wrote a letter to the hotel asking for a particular room because I wanted things just right for this holiday, (didn't want to be fallin out because of some stupid little thing) and I mentioned in the letter that normally I wouldn't have bothered them, but it was our silver wedding anniversary on the 11th, and we had chosen to spend it in their hotel....and they obviously took note of that date.
I'm sure other hotels will also, if you let them know.

Sanji x
Dose anyone know if they have any events on over this time as i heared the easter period is a popular time for the spanish if so any info appreciated...

You're really racking my brains today

There is a procession that takes place in the old town during Semana Santa (Easter week.)
It's quite a few years since I saw it, but it is a very religous procession with some beautiful statutes/floats/costumes.... and for me, the most memorable thing about it, is that the people dress up in costumes resembling the Ku Klux Klan, these are called "Los Nazarenos" but the pointed headgear "Capirote" is not white like the KKK, I think it was either black or blue and they all carry a cross and a candle, a kind of "brotherhood seeking forgiveness"
This a very sober, colourful procession with religion radiating out of the event....IMO it is the Catholic Church at its best.
The last time I saw it, I was staying in the Hotel Fenicia and I only wish I had a camcorder then,

I'm not sure of the route from there, I think they probably would go up the "walking street" and to San Jaime church, but I'm guessing here and will stand corrected.
After all that I think it takes place on Good Friday evening...again I'll stand corrected if I've got that wrong.
My memory is not as good, as it should be some days.....and neither is my spelling.

Sanji x
Edited by
2007-01-24 22:59:56
Hiya Sanji your the Benidorm Queen tho

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