The reason, Big Daddy, that i am so against Siesta is that when i went with them years ago, they (knowingly) had a stack of mobiles that could be opened by everyone (your key fitted them all!) I only found out halfway through my holiday when i was asked by a neighbour to let their son in when he returned, and i enquired as to how i was supposed to do so and they told me!! They had found out previous year (god knows why they came back!) and had complained, so that is how i know Siesta did NOTHING about it! When i complained on site, i was 'handled' by the Reps, who then basically did their best to avoid me and the issue, and on complaining on my return home, the issue was ignored, and i was given a hell of a lot of cheek and basically accused of trying my key in other locks!! A holiday company who treat their clients like this will NEVER get money from me again, and given the fact that i was happy(ish) with most of the other aspects of the company, you really would think that giving me a few bob in compensation would have made up for the approx. £5000 in bookings that they have lost out on since!!!!! Sometimes wonder what these companies are thinking about! that is the reason i wouldnt go near them again!
That aside, though, the fact that we are travelling from Central Scotland may side me with Redcrest as they do most of their pick ups locally then zip down the M6 (Siesta always went up the A1 on the east coast, something i hated!!) and also they dont have the dreadful hub system, where you need to change coaches around London! (meaning Redcrest leave later too!) Club C were the worst for hostess service though, they only boarded at the changeover, not much good if you had been on for 8 hours already! I think i will stick with Redcrest for next year, the reps, hostesses, and accommodation (at Castell Montgri anyway!) are the best in my view, even if Siesta's buses were slightly better (minus that leg rest though, i hated that!)