Please be very careful if you purchase anything by credit card from this jewellers.
A friend, whose been to Marmaris 8 times, bought some zircon earrings for £51 from Diadem in the bazaar - they also have shops in Uzunyali and Armutalan. She signed the cc slip without any thought and returned to the UK with her new earrings. Imagine her shock when she got home and found that £985.49 had been charged to her cc! The card company had written to her as they were concerned her card had been stolen. Unfortunately as it is her signature on the slip, the card company can do nothing.
£51 is approximately 123YTL and she was charged 2,349YTL!! Had they charged 1,233YTL then you would think that the sales person had entered the last digit twice by mistake - easily done - but the figure they came up with bears no resemblance to the real cost of the earrings. My friend admits she was stupid for not converting the currency in her head and double checking the slip, but I know that a lot of tourists find it confusing and this year is even worse as prices are being quoted in TL and YTL, and both new and old notes are in use. (The old TL ceases to be legal tender as of 1st January 2006).
I live in Marmaris and my friend asked me to contact Diadem to see if they would refund the extra money they charged. The gentleman I've been speaking to said surprise, surprise.... the particular sales person I need is in Izmir. To cut a long story short, they've been giving me the run around. They couldn't find a record of the sale in their books, and then they couldn't find a record of that amount of money going into their account etc. The story changes everytime I speak to them.
I am going to speak to him again later on today but am not holding out much hope. I am not going to leave it at that though. I have several aces up my sleeve, which I can't reveal just yet, but in the meantime I just wanted to make people aware that this is going on and to remind people to be very careful and always check their credit card slips.
Diadem have 3 shops in Marmaris - I wonder just how many other people they've ripped off over the years......
edit to remove personal name Briar