Jan/feb is birthday season for my dad and our friend visitors from wales.
Infantaria bakery at the bottom of Baga/Calangute road do birthday cakes. You can go in an order your cake, eg large/small, chocolate etc.
You also need to inform the hotel of birthdays, as they may even lay on a cake.
One season we got the cake from Infantaria during the day and later in the evening from the hotel.
What lights up your life most is to give a piece of cake to the unforgotten staff....
The room boys, the security guard on night duty. The waiters loved the cake, but its always the forgotten staff you have to think of.
In Palelom this year we got the local bakery to do the cake. Although I had the feeling when the shack boys brought it out, it was the skimpiest slices ever, and yes we did give them the left over.
Tip: Be in charge of the slices, but give to the unforgotten boys, rather than the expectant boys