Just returned from Hols in Olu Deniz, was lovely as always, just one thing I have to tell you though.
On booking a trip with Hamish McTurk in Hisoranou, my party of 5 was assured that we would have the air con small minibus for a whole day to ourselves with the guide.
On arriving in Fethyie to collect Hamish(The Guide) we were surprised to say the least when another 11 people got on who it later transpired were his family who had arrived on holiday and he decided to fill the bus up with them for the day trip.
Now I have no problem with the people as they were very nice Dutch people, but we paid £30 each for this bus and all day it felt like we were just along for the ride on a family day out and most of the day Dutch was spoken.
Also, this is the second time we have been on a trip with Hamish and he always takes you to a Turkish canteen for lunch, which is included in the price and to be honest the food is barely edible.
So, just be careful when booking any trips in Turkey as you are no always told the whole truth and maybe you should take something to eat and drink with you, just in case the food is rough!