I have to book my flights to Glasgow this morning.
I have found some, who is the best BA or BMI and what does BMI tiny stand for?
I think I will go for BA hopefully less chance or delay
bmi tiny refers to their low cost fares on the scheduled flights. Its really a special offer fare on less popular services. Don't think you get anything less service-wise.
I have flown with both, and they are really both just about the same for service and punctuality,
I would choose the one that has the most suitable times for you.
flown both as well, think i prefer ba slightly more, and as already said you get free drinks and something to eat which you now have to pay for with bmi.
Having said that bmi i pretty good and ive found them to be reliable/punctual.
Have a good one!
Lets just say the service of both these carriers are not quite what they used to be on these routes. Competition and ofcourse fairly reasonable prices (provided u book in advance) has dictated that.
BMI has the advantage of possibly less check in q's at both LHR and GLA - in general slightly less walking to departure gate at LHR - and certainly with dedicated stand 25 at Glasgow for LHR service much less of a walk at the Glasgow end.