Without being cheeky, could anyone help me with some
phonetic spellings as I have a hearing problem and really cant work out the sound clips offered on the advised websites. The only one I can really hear is a couple of the BBC ones. I've made a guess at how they sound below
I was just hoping that someone could help me decipher the basics and point me in the right direction...
hello (Zuhdev'ry?)
goodbye (BBC sounds like "Duvishd'ney")
please (Couldn't work this out at all)
thankyou (Couldn't work this out at all)
How much (Couldn't work this out at all)
Yes (Dah)
No (Ne:h)
Thanks to anyone who can give me a hand... I don't want to mispronounce something and ask for something rude or silly by mistake :oops:..