A plea from Margaretta
Is anyone for San Miguel?
We'll be there all alone I feel.
The pools will have just two to splash.
The gardens designed with so much dash
Will be like Eden- we hope no snakes!
No-one to share sangria and cakes.
No twilight chats or morning cheer
No-one to say 'Let's have a beer,
a round of golf, a fishy meal,
a Karting ride, cards to deal!"
Any ladies who love to shop
or visit markets or just walk?
Any gents who like their sport
or imbibing with their talk?
So much to do for my guidebook yet
But where are the owners on the net?
Oh citizens of San Miguel!
Tap on the keyboard,
Come out of your shell!
(If this raises a little smile, it's done it's job!)
No-one answered her sad call'
Will there be anyone at all
To compare aerials, lights and plugs,
To share a coffee or pass the mugs?
No-one to wave from balconies high;
Admire the stars in the Tenerife sky.
No-one to eat the barbecued grub
Or drink with in the Irish pub.
So many apartments bought and sold
Won't anyone stay... but we two, left cold?
When we set the community charge
For two it could be little or large!
Walls will echo with two whispering there:
A splash in the pool or a step on a stair.
Oh citizens of San Miguel
Read the chats of Palm Mar;
Of Mirador and Dinastia.
They talk together and advise
Their information often wise.
Why can't we join up and converse?
A bit of chat- it could be worse!!!
Smile please and say "Hi!"
There we'll be in Las Chafiras.
Not a soul will come near us.
Think what we can do out there:
Spit and chewing gum on the stair.
Draw graffiti on the wall,
Put some soapflakes in the pool.
Motorbikes roaring,
CD's blaring,
Unpleasant swearing,
Litter strewing
'Bacco chewing
Washing fluttering
Beer cans clattering...
A dreadful pair
NO-ONE will know we are there!
Lizard on ceiling upside down
Tense-tailed, twitching,
Eyes a blinking,
Arching his back
In our sangria.
But at least he made contact!
"Is there anybody there?" called two owners,
Looking round the complex bare.
And the ripples in the silence lapped the edges
Of the pool all glittering there.
Only birds flew out of the turret. (There really is one!)
Above the owners' heads
And they echoed through the walls a second time:
"Nobody's here!" they said
And no-one descended to the owners;
No smiles from a window-sill. Just
Birds, bougainvillea and warmth of the sun
As they stood perplexed and still.
There once was a couple from Kent.
To sunny Tenerife they went.
They bought an apartment
(Not yet for retirement! )
And then some poems sent.
Ain't you got no furniture?
Ain't you got no brandy?
Is it safe
To sit in the sun?
A plumber might be handy!
Ain't you got no water
Or 'lectricity?
Ain't you got no satellite
'Lectricians be just dandy!
What's doin' on your balcony?
Who knows that creepy crawly?
Don't you want a nice clean pool;
A medic when you're poorly?
Let's pull together like the ants
To make our complex prosper
And share some info' on the 'net
And good relations foster.
Feliz Navidades... I think!? (Help needed with language too!)
Is it 'Felices Navidades' or 'Felix Navidad?'
A speech or code?
A letter or call?
Anything at all.........
Sanskrit or Arabic-
It would be such a tonic
To receive a response
And for you- a deliverance
From my poems
Which may freak!
Won't give up
More next week!
But come on you owners of San Miguel II:
Many are selling off-plan it seems true
But future dwellers of the estate
Communicate before it's too late!
'Happy Christmas!' from Margaretta
Smile sweetly
In emoticons?
Growl, mumble, grump
And stamp my feet?
Will the ghosts of San Miguel Two
Awake at midnight...
Do I hear you?
Or are you awaiting another poem?
Don't worry I think I can keep going-
Like Christmas card verse-
Until you awake
When the building is done.
No reply do you make
Not even a curse,
A letter, a cry or a howl.
Only the tooting of the owl
Will be heard
In Las Chafiras
At Christmas!
Felices Navidades to the ghosts from Margaretta
After the snagging and
Checking for leaks.
All the light fittings
Ready to wire:
Is there a drill
Or screwdriver for hire?
The furniture carried to the right rooms.
Beds made, food stocked
Vase filled with blooms.
Come share our wine
and English chocolate:
Sit on the balcony
Patio's all set!
But no-one will join us for no-one is there
With our new apartment none will compare.
I suppose silence is golden and hard to find
And we'll really have to relax and not mind...
We'll wander lonely as the clouds
And float and splash without the crowds.( Sorry, Mr. Wordsworth!)
where's the 'host of golden residents????'
Beside the pool? Beneath the trees?'
Blown away in the Tenerife breeze?
None hear we
from our balcony.
Is it cos' I am old
Or write poetry?
But a Happy New Year
To whom? A mystery...
To the ghosts of Jardin San Miguel II from Margaretta
ur wine shareThe furniture carried to the
But the others must be stalking!
Will we meet them on the stair?
In the car park?
Will they care
If we form our own committee
to make the rules?
(Fair, firm and..... witty!)
Do join our chat.
We're meeting soon.
Or will it be lonely
As a holiday
Our ferns are browning at the tips; they need a tropical storm!
Our poinsettia's flames are folding; our yucca palm's quite dry.
Outside the trees are blackened lace against a cloudy sky.
And there you are in Tenerife soaking up the sun,
Drinking those large measures and having all that fun!
The papers here are gloomy;'Big Brother' folks are weird;
Corrie Street is seedy; to the computer now I've veered.
Don't send us sunny postcards or wallow with your tans.
Don't send us news of wild nights out with cocktails and cool fans.
The christmas decorations which brightened us a bit
Have been packed in lofts on high. Now we can sit and ....knit.
(Not likely!)
Here radiators are pumping out; the weather's never steady!
Oh when are we all flying out? When are our apartments ready?
Actually by the beginning of March. Hurrah!
We've heard we're nearly there!
We can't wait to have the deed
For our apartment bare.
The tiles to count and plugs and points;check the woodwork at the joints!
They've drilled a hole!-It's for a wire.
Don't touch- could cause a nasty fire!
So much to plan and think about; will it echo if we shout?
Is that a bidet?
What's it for?
To wash our socks?
(No, don't guffaw!)
Which brings us to the washing machine
Which make is best to get clothes clean?
The cooker and the satellite will cause dispute and then delight.
What to bring and leave behind...
Should it be Spanish in design?
What's that? Strings of garlic, pans for paella?
Or teapot, kettle, dish for roast dinner.....
Who'll be in the next balcony?
I wonder if they'll talk to me?
Where will the post be delivered?
Who'll take the rubbish?
'Cos we're so full of anticipation
As we become part of the Spanish nation!
(And we're looking forward to it very much!)
How to protest?
Wave a placard on the square? Squat on the beach - do I dare?
Ride on a donkey, cascading long hair,
Like Lady Godiva -do I dare?
The people will run in horror I fear -
Riding skills lacking and me all bare!
The clerks to that paperwork will not go near.
Shall I hurl bananas -do I dare?
Shall I park outside with camel-train and stare?
Shall I stand on the mountain? Wave a flag in the air?
Shall I climb up a palm tree and make it my lair?
'What is this world so full of care?
We have no time to stand and stare....'
(Famous poet -stolen quote- quite unfair!)
We're waiting and debating,
Our patience is now rare,
But it will soon be 'cheer-up time'
Mardi-gras will fill the air
And we'll be in Tenerife next year......?????
Hoping ..... Margaretta
Somewhere there's a bureaucrat
Clogging up the works.
He doesn't want to push his pen
Or think how dallying irks.
I'll take all his computer games
His coffee machine and sugar.
I'll remove his mobile phone
If he doesn't seem too eager.
I'll give him lots of pencils
A special Parker pen.
I'll sit him in a comfy chair,
Admire his work and special flair.
He'll write his signature then?
Maybe 'him' is 'her' and so
I'll use her nail varnish,
Her perfume spray and mirror
If her name she will not furnish!
I'll buy her a lunchtime salad,
Treat her to a facial;
I'll supply her magazines
Of matters beauty, social -
And intellectual!
Maybe there's another sort
Or maybe 'him' and 'her'?
Whatever their timetables for this week
Sitting at their computers sleek
Or at the carnival thrilled to peek...
PLEASE sign that escritura!
Hoping... Margaretta
What will work for UNELCO (man)?
A firework display?
A horrible day?
A letter or card?
A threat ...perhaps too hard!
A trite phone call?
Graffiti on (his) wall?
A bribe or a present?
A message unpleasant?
A petition or a plea?
Will (he) listen to me?
A special flamenco?
An ice-cream volcano?
Some spikey strelitzia?
A good panacea?
A payrise of euros
Dollars, escudos?
It's so very late
For our certificate
brassed off,
cheesed off,
fed up!
Margaretta and the residents who want 'Ahora!' not 'Manana!'
I try not to be grumpy, avoiding the 'red rag'
And try to say "Oh bother!" when we hit a snag.
I'm quite a placid person; nothing ruffles me.
I'd rather take a good deep breath and slowly count to three.
But UNELCO have done it now they've caused a big delay
I'm Boadicea, a suffragette until our apartment's free!
I've got passed the grumpy stage; I'm steaming, hopping mad!
I'm in a towering, furious rage, no answers to be had.
I'm spitting sparks of fury.
(Should ladies spit?)
I'm belching tongues of flame.
I'm annoyed, outraged and very cross
And want someone to blame.
I'm trying hard to grit my teeth;
Can't find a reason why,
And keep my hands clenched underneath.
Completion they deny.
I'm thinking angry thoughts of them - to protest, scream or whine?
A vitriolic battle of words; will this cause them to sign?
But then I think of Tenerife: the mountain and the flowers,
The sun and stars, the sparkling sea
And memories wash over me.
Anger will abate and unpleasant thoughts evaporate.
I may forget the long, long wait
For our final certificate.......
Still hoping.....
I surveyed practicalities in IKEA.
Husband waxed lyrical in the Ferreteria (near Hyperdino, Las Chafiras).
(In France it's called the 'bricolage')
Like B and Q, the area's large.
He enthused about fittings, plumbing bits, tools
While I checked out saucepans and paints for walls.
We jumped on the mattresses in IKEA,
Prodded the towels, duvets, cushions,
Chose jugs... for sangria?
Glasses for all drinks, kettles, kitchenalia
(Some we bought later in the Ferreteria).
Clotheshorse and ironingboard in Hyperdino
(Check out their chocolates... Go on! Have a beano!)
Biombo will fix all our lights and our fans,
Masters- the white goods and ...
Furniture vans
Will come from various local 'muebles'
Then finishing touches and all is ''nuevo'.
There's one thing which was exceedingly rare:
Found in England everywhere.
From Woolies, Harrods or the Old Kent Road
Or it can be viewed in every abode!
It's wrapped, fragile or thrown in the air,
Put in cabinets, patterned or bare...
It's CHINA- for dining and mugs for our paws
To drink all that coffee when performing house chores;
To set out the table when hunger claws.
We couldn't find china shops, stalls or stores!!
Round, square or oval-we don't care!
To choose a good pattern is important for flair!
Have the bulls rampaged china shops or- is it not done?
Do the Spanish not eat on porcelain?
There are bits in IKEA, hypermarkets some,
But a WHOLE china shop- we found none!
Never mind, I suppose there are paper plates...
T'will be a surprise for all our 'mates!'
We loved all the shopping without souvenirs
That I might add some- husband's worst fears!!
We're nearly there:our dream's come true!
Soon have a signing date.
Anxieties -we've had a few
Because it's rather late.
We shall turn the magic key
In our Tenerife front door.
I can't wait to place my toes
On the cool fresh-tiled floor!
Gazing at the mountain view
From our balcony.
I suspect the moving in
Will lack tranquillity!
"Where's the hammer? Hold this drill!"
"Make a cup of tea!"
"Put those items over there!"-
"No that's not right!- Let me!"
But eveningtime when work is done
And some tasks are complete,
We'll watch the setting of the sun
From our balcony seat.
We'll know it's worth the lengthy wait
The aggro and debate.
We'll revel in our holiday home
Our little apartment
Is of no consequence
To anyone
Perhaps we should accept problems and
Never make a fuss.
The builder rang us yesterday
To tell us of our signing day
And said our lawyer is away
'Til after the Bank Holiday
And our date can't yet confirm
Leaving ruffled clients to squirm!
-"And by the way may not be water
But you can sign; no need to falter!
-And I cannot guarantee
That you'll have electricity."
"Do we need a generator
And a fountain for our water?"
We've long booked a May holiday
'Cause we were told in January
They'd nearly finished our building phase
Soon in our complex we would laze.
I'm going to fight like Joan of Arc
Had enough of this buying lark!
Husband slaying a laid-back dragon-
Will he win? - Just you imagine!
We'll not be daunted or take our ease
WE'RE MOVING IN when we have the keys.
Pool or sea or bottled water-
We won't care... our tummies ought'a!
No gypsy, hippy or New Age hermit
Would quibble about or even permit
The power of electricity.
It's candles, glow-worms, moon on sea!
Whatever happens it doesn't seem fair
Hoping something's sorted out peacefully next week -grrr! or sparks and
storms might generate the facilities we shall need!
Margaretta (grumpy again!)

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