Whatever you do, if you are a smoker, buy whatever you think you might need for your time in Turkey at Dalaman airport. General prices range from £10-£12 per 200 depending on brand. You can get Marlboro and Marlboro lights really easily in resorts, but anything else (i.e.B&H, Lambert & Butler etc.) are pretty much impossible to get in resort, and even if you do, they are often "fakes". You can get whatever you need when you arrive, as there are 3 shops (I think) when you arrive, and loads more when you depart from Dalaman. Little note though, when you fly back, make sure that you have all of the food and drinks that you might need with you in your hand luggage, because the cost of food and drink at Dalaman airport is soooooooooo expensive. Last time: £6.00 for a McDonalds Value meal.