This is a hard one - without knowing you and your likes/dislikes, the age of your children, what you like to do etc its hard to make a judgement. I have visited Alcudia for a day and it wasnt for me - I know some love it but for me it was Blackpool with the sunshine. I love Cala Dor - it is family free, has lovely coves, fantastic restaurants, is lager lout free, no high rise apartment blocks, a beautiful sophisticated marina surrounded by lovely restaurants where you can eat, drink and watch the world go by.... I am out there in a couple of weeks and I cant wait.
Each to his own, but if you havent been to Cala Dor then why not give it a try. You wont be disappointed. Dont know your hotel as I own a property there so you will have to rely on others to give you a view on that. Whatever you do and wherever you go you will have a great time - Mallorca is a fabulous place and we all agree on that.