WOW this is a tricky one, I have been to both and they are really great resorts and I don't think you can go wrong with either.
If I really had to choose I would go for Cala D'or probably as it is that bit bigger and gives more choice for restauraunts etc, although Cala Galdana has a nicer/bigger beach.
On the other hand Minorca is a little bit nicer island in my opinion.

In other words I can't choose !!!!
Let us know what you decide, maybe toss a coin.
Nice to have the choice though.
Hi Davemcfc, thanks for the reply. We are leaning towards Cala Galdana, one of the reasons being that we enjoyed having a car so much and we are not sure we'd feel as confident driving around Majorca. I agree with you in that we find Menorca a nicer island overall and now that we have done a holiday with car hire I think we'd miss this aspect if we didn't have that freedom again.
Well, not being one to hang around, my family and I will now being going for 2 weeks next August to..........Cala Galdana!
Have booked Galdana Gardens apartments at a price I'm happy with, plus it's 14 nights during school hols as opposed to 11 (7 of which were before school broke up) which is what we'd booked for Cala D'or for around the same price.
We will hire a car again and visit some of the other places we didn't get chance to this time.
So looks like I'll be hanging around this forum a little longer then

Well if you want a car get one from cala galdana cos three years back we pre booked ours from england, luckily they were over a day late turning up with it so we hired one in Cala Galdana for half the price.
Also, many of the reviews I've read state that there's entertainment held in the square in one of the big hotels. Do you know which hotel and where it is in relation to Galdana Garden apartments?
Thanks, Nic.
As you stand looking at the cala galdana hotel to the left there is a path that looks like it goes to no where well walk down there and there is a square with about 7 or 8 bars restaurants off it. also the local hairdresser should you want braids,two or three shops and a couple of jewellers. There is entertainment most nights in the centre of the square. Also at CG hotel there is normally groups playing, we tended to start off in the square for a drink...go to the hotel to eat (cos it was wonderful) and then sit by the pool for a night cap...listening to Abba, or Elvis....Sounds corny but it was lovely!
I think we will be booking again soon!!
We didn't notice the square when we visited for the day but it sounds ideal for us so thanks for the directions. Wish I was back in Menorca now, I'm fed up of our weather already and only been back 5 days

I would pre-book a car in august for sure, you will love c/galdana its our favourite place on the island. Try poppy cars they will sort you out we use them all the time....
Cheers Geoff, I've heard only good things about Poppy Cars. Can you pick up from CG though?
I am sure they would bring it to Cala Galdana should you wish.
The only problem we had with them was that when he stood at the airport he did not hold a board of any description so we were looking for quite a while!! but they were there. Otherwise brilliant!
Poppy will deliver the car to the resort or the airport i think, if you have transfers already included in your holiday i would ask them to cancel if you can, and see if it will knock abit off the price off your holiday and pick the car up from the airport, for me its the best part of the holiday getting into a left hand drive car sorting myself out and setting off. I can't wait till next year to get back its like going home for us, if all goes well in the next couple of years we are going to get a place out there, we love the island and the people...........
all the best Geoff...........
Thanks Geoff, I will definately look at Poppy Cars prices closer to the time. Our transfers are included free, but will definately weigh up our options regarding picking up at airport rather than resort. Funny that you say it's like going home for you, we felt like that this year, we love it and feel so safe and comfortable there. It would be wonderful to have a place out there, I hope that all goes to plan for you Geoff, perhaps I should start doing the lottery, but at the moment I can only dream...
Same here I wish that we could buy a villa in cala galdana too......we absolutely love the place and have never felt let down when staying kids have been to other places but they think that cala galdana is the best place in the world...which is great for us because I hate flying and it is such a short flight!!
Ive got my eye on a place that needs work at the top of the hill going out of the resort near the roundabout, we are thinking of turning it into accomadtion and a bar. But we are not to sure if its too far out of the resort but the train stops some where near i think. Your thoughts would be appreciated, we are not after making alot of money through the bar but maybe enough to keep us while out there May -Oct
thanks geoff.....
I think if you are not trying to make mega bucks then why not!! there are alot of huge villas along that road as you turn back to the coast line and the train is handy.
If you want a barmaid with 12 years experience let me know!!

Geoff, sorry, as we only visited CG for the day, I'm not sure whereabouts you mean, sounds good though.

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