Hi There. Would any of our Maltese posters kindly help me please.
We are coming over to Malta on the 20th Oct,and are trying to find out if any chemist/supermarket stock a baby milk called Aptamil.The edition we need is number 2 for hungrier babies.
Our son is going to be 10 weeks when we arrive,and it would save a lot of carrying from here if you stock it.
Please remember it is number 2 for hungry baby.I know number 1 is available.
many thanks to you if you can help
have you tried looking on google
Lm 2.24
Lm 2.30
Lm 2.15
Perhaps also you could try him on solids? My son was also a hungrier baby and at approx 9 weeks, I started him on porridge oats mixed with baby milk and stuff like that(really sloppy so it was easier to digest.). It may not necessarily be the right thing for your son at this moment in time but it is worth considering. It made Gav much more content as he was not always hungry and howling for milk!
Thankyou everyone for your replies.You all have been a great help to me.I was dreading turning up at Gatwick with loads of baby milk to get through the 2 weeks.
hi marcoman, as gozomark has said your requirement is available ,I can also confirm my local supermarket also stock it so no problem there. hope you enjoy your holiday the temperature is becoming more tolerable so should be good. If you anticipate finding a supermarket a problem I live in close proximity to the airport and would not have a problem meeting you from your flight with a supply. Gozomark thanks for your gozo advise i looked up the agents and may look into a guest house bussinness property in qara area with a more permanant move in mind, we see
So vee dee you live in Malta do you ?.
many thanks for your kind offer.our flight will,if on time arrive at Luqa at 22.05 on Sat 20th Oct,so i wouldn,t want to put you out.We will bring enough milk with us to last for the 1st day.But i would be grateful if you could let me know the name of your local store and its address,so maybe when we have settled into our apartment,then we can pop over there.
Would they be open on Sundays for a period of time?
Do you know,just how good and helpful this forum is.
we have contacted the Milupa helpline here in the UK,who informed me that Aptimal stage 2 was not available in Malta,only stage 1.I knew that most products nowadays are stocked in Malta it was just a question of where to find it,and sure enough you have all been so helpful.
Thankyou once again to all of you
in general, almost no supermarkets are open on a Sunday (the occasional one in a tourist area has a permit, but its rare) - almost the only things open on Sundays are churches, bars and restaurants
There are as Gozomark has stated a couple of supermarkets open on Sundays. I know of a couple in Buggiba/Qawra and Mellieha. However I do not know if they will stock Aptamil.
in general, almost no supermarkets are open on a Sunday (the occasional one in a tourist area has a permit, but its rare) - almost the only things open on Sundays are churches, bars and restaurants
And thank god for that

marcoman, can you confirm that the milk you require is in a tin and colour coded as there are two 2s one orange and the other purple, also which area will you will be staying as it might be a long journey to my local for you when there may be a smart,s branch closer. dee.
The Aptamil 2 i am looking for is in a purple tin.
today i recieved an e mail from Smart Supermarket to confirm they sell Aptamil 2.
We are staying at the Sunny Coast Resort in Qawra,there is a Smart at Balzaan.Is there one near to where we are staying please.
Many thanks
AFAIK there is only one Smart branch
thanks Gozomark.i didn,t realise they only had one branch

shredded wheat - never seen in Gozo, but they were spotted by the Gozo expat grapevine in Scotts in Malta
hope your kidding me my wife has shopped there several times since they took over cissa, Next time we go i,m going in with her, thin ice.
they were spotted in the one on the outskirts of St Pauls Bay, on the way to Mosta (I think its a Scotts ??? - its fairly large, and in quite a rural part)
cheers g/m I will travel to st. Pauls bay if needed to, it is scotts and there is a branch on the south side also. things looking up, what about emerdale & coronation st. up to date ones of course. Sad the things i miss.

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