The usually recommended anti-malarial tablets are Proguanil and Chloraquine (two separate tablets). One you take weekly, the other daily.
You start them a week before you go and should continue them for six weeks after return.
There are others (Larium, Malarone) but my health centre said Proguanil and Chloraquine are the recommended tablets for travel to Goa.
Interested in Doxyclycline, though. Must do some reading up!!
Doxycycline is an option for Regimen 1 where the risk is "High risk in the eastern state of Assam where resistance to chloroquine has been reported".
Obviouslt I'm missing something somewhere, would someone mind shedding some light on it?!

The preferred medication as recommended is chloroquin and proguanil, believe doxycycline can be taken but not as first choice
I researched intensly last year and Doxy was actually recommended before P&C as there was a viralant strain of Malaria in Goa. We decided on the Doxy because of the anti-biotic protection as well. Also I have a dodgy stomach and many reported that P&C made them sick. The fact that you can buy Doxy in Goa 33rps for 10 makes them even more appealing this year
I got these from the Dentist in Candolim above Newtons, for gum infection, sounds like the all round cure lol

What strength doxycycline and how many times a day for anti malariaal effect, is it different doses if it is taken for an antibiotic??
Doxycycline is part of the tetracyclines which are broad-spectrum antibiotic, in other words used to treat varies infections, this medication should be used with caution and under the supervision of a qualified physician, as with all antibiotics it has side effects, it also does warn in the BNF (doctors bible) that a caution is,to avoid exposure to sunlight or sun lamps. Personally this kind of medication should just not be taken for a substitute for Anti-Malaria, but if taken as Anti-Malaria as prescribed the dose is 200mg daily for at least 7 days.
thanks night nurse, guess by the info you have given your ID name is a clue to your profession??

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