Ok guys and girls need a bit of advice on what one to go for, now im not going in to this blind as last year i spent a week in the Santana in early December bur as ive not stayed at the Canifor Hotel i wanted to here what experiances peopl have had recently
Ive done the usual search and come up with the trip reports but these nothing like an inside or recent bit of information.
SWMBO is having a facial at this moment in time and I'm in the tavern with FREE WiFi
Chatted to a member of Access 2 off duty (LOL) and he said that the best food in Qawra is atthe Santana and he looked like he loved his grub if you know what I mean
Our only gripe would be traffic noise early morning

Thanks for that enjoy the break.
ronprowse wrote:Thanks for that enjoy the break.
We would do but the weather turned even worse today HAIL storm and wild wild wind the big ships are anchored in the bay at Buggiba hiding from it
We have stayed at the canifor and were very disapointed. The restaurant was poor, the pool area was poor but the room were OK. We would not go back. We have also stayed at the Qawra hotel and that was much better than the Canifor. But to be honest we would not go back to either.
We have stayed at the Canifor several times the last being 3 years ago, however, having read reviews for the Canifor they are all pretty much consistently poor in what they are saying now and as such I don't think I will be booking the Canifor for our next visit.
I can't comment on the Santana as we haven't stayed there however location wise it is in a good central area only a few minutes from the bus station.
Kiltman-Graham wrote:Hi
I can't comment on the Santana as we haven't stayed there however location wise it is in a good central area only a few minutes from the bus station.
The bus station is less than 150 yards away from Santana
Now I'm home my only gripe was the noise on the ground floor especially from the Canoa bar (at present closed to the public but open for private do's)
but with 4 lifts access is no problem
food is consistently good and meal times are better timed than most so you can get Dinner from 6pm which when you only eat breakast and Dinner is great
the top couple of floors aree allocated to "Access to " a time share who will invite you to see them but are the most pleasant and polite set of reps on the island and I can say that the arrogant and pushy one are down in Buggibba Square still nearly get aggressive with one myself and that's rare
the top couple of floors aree allocated to "Access to " a time share who will invite you to see them but are the most pleasant and polite set of reps on the island
I remember a couple of years ago while walking past the Santana one of the sales reps stop us and 'invited' us in for a tour of the timeshare property, he was very friendly and informed us that if we walked in to the premises with him and just turned around and walked back out he still got a payment, so that is what we did and he was delighted

All of these people make between 50-100 Euros when you go to the hotel for spending 10-15mins talking rubbish to retired English couple who then have to spend 2-3 hours of high pressure sales to collect a bottle of wine worth less than 2 euros.
OpenMinded wrote:These people are a cancer in Malta and need to be cut out and thrown away. They are all along the promensade from The Ferry (currently an obnoxious woman with blonde hair) all the way past the Preluna hotel (two guys and an over tanned woman woman ), to outside the area where the Diplomat hotel is and then down to Balluta bay (scraggy girl with long dirty blonde hair).
The older woman has been there for 15 years we recognised her from ou last visit she was a pest then
There is a good way of getting rid of them
tell them you bought one yesterday

Nice young man approached us, yeah we won a free holiday and obviously didn't look too excited about it. When we explained we had just left our home in Cyprus in rather more pleasant conditions and that we weren't eligible and what's more had no intentions of buying a timeshare he told us exactly how it works.
He gets 100 euros at the point the Access To sales person gets their accommodation brochure out (roughly 60 minutes after arriving there). He offered us 50 euros to go in and stay for the hour.
We did something similar a couple of years earlier at the Suncrest too and got 20 LM for that one.
Timeshare in Malta is monitored - a damn site more than it is here in Cyprus. Try going to Paphos - then you will see what rude and agressive timeshare touts are like....
As for the Santana, it's in a great spot and we found the front of the hotel was often full of people sitting in the sun during the daytime. The hotel itself was warm and pleasant. We went along one night to see the karaoke (Diamonds) with all his entourage of followers. Everyone seemed happy enough there and it's possibly somewhere we would consider if Club Salina Wharf puts its' prices up for family/guests of timeshare owners....
cyprus100 wrote:As for the Santana, it's in a great spot and we found the front of the hotel was often full of people sitting in the sun during the daytime. The hotel itself was warm and pleasant. We went along one night to see the karaoke (Diamonds) with all his entourage of followers. Everyone seemed happy enough there and it's possibly somewhere we would consider if Club Salina Wharf puts its' prices up for family/guests of timeshare owners....
Got to agree about the location of the Santana it's quite good the main part of the hotel is very pleasant as is the bar
the bedrooms get a little cold at night but the Acess timeshare there are some of the nicest ones we have met
We told them that we are wanderers and didn't feel that timeshare wasn't for us and that wass that

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