Re a holiday in Cape Verde,
The islands are lovely but be warned...
Using the travel company 'The Cape Verde Experience' we visited Cape Verde islands in October. In Praia, the capital of Santaigo we were attacked and robbed. It was 8.00pm in the evening and we had just crossed the road from our eating venue to take a photograph. What upset us even more than the physical and emotional aftermaths of the attack was that from that moment on, everybody we met looked at my husband's black eye and my cut hand and said. 'You should never go out in Praia after 7.00pm unless you are in a large group or take a taxi because there is a high chance you will be robbed. You should have been told.' This included the duty manager at our hotel, a local property developer we met at the airport, an airport baggage inspector and numerous locals.
After the attack, and the visit to the police station, we tried to contact our rep. but she was unavailable. The following morning we had to fly to the island of Fogo, which was lovely and which everyone assured us was safe, but we had lost our nerve and only went out on tours. While we were there, we spoke to our rep. by phone and she said she'd meet us at the airport on our return to the island of Sal. She wasn't there. We were picked up by drivers and given an insurance envelope with the instructions to fill it in and give it to the rep. whom we would meet at the airport before we flew home. By this time I was cross at the lack of interest or care and as it was late at night, I refused, to my husband's concern, to agree to spend time on it. No problem, there was no rep. at the airport the following morning either. (Neither had we been given a specific pick up time, we'd had to guess it.) A bunch of flowers here might have made us feel happy to cut our losses and feel at least that the company cared.
On our return home we contacted the company who immediately quoted small print about advice to take a taxi at night because of the lack of street lighting (no mention of the inherent dangers,) and of displaying goods for all to see. It was 8.00pm, not late at night. I took the camera from my pocket to take one photograph. We were opposite a restaurant. I would not have considered any of these actions unduly provocative.
We asked that the company give proper warnings about a very real danger in future, and were told this would happen. We asked that the balance of our losses (mostly covered by insurance) be made up as there had been a very real danger, we should have been so advised. Had we been told of the danger we would not have walked across the road after dark. This balance was refused. (This would have been about £300.00 max.) Needless to say, neither us. Nor any of our friends will be using Cape Verde Experience again.
Sorry to read about your experience in CV.
Whilst we were there in Sal last September I had a health problem which required me to go to the hospital in Santa Maria ( which I do not recommend as it is very primitive and makes our hospital's cleaning standards look exemplary ). The CapeVerdeExperience rep organised transport and a colleague to go with us ( who stayed with us for around 5 hours at the hospital ) and made herself available 24 hours a day via her mobile phone. They even paid for the taxi !
I have already posted on another thread that in our opinion they provided by far the best service of any tour operator that we have ever used ( and there have been many ). I am not one for writing to companies to praise good service but on this occasion it was so exceptional that I did.
It just demonstrates how variable different folks experiences can be !
I hope you have recovered from your trauma and are looking forward to your next holiday.
I'm toying with the idea of going cape Verde but I cant decide over dominican republic.
I would be going to the Santa Maria area and am a big foodie. My concern is about the quality of cuisine as well as things to occupie us for a fornight. One of us is a Vegi, would this be a problem? Is there a big difference in the quality of the service compared to the Carrabean and is crime a problem when out and about in Santa Maria? I hear theres good bars and restaurents out there.
I look forward to your replies.
We are off to the island of Sal on Tuesday, will post a review when we get back.
I did try to post a full review but according to the mods there is a problem with the anti spam programme, will try again when the get it sorted. In the meantime no Sal is not an island for foodies, food limited to the hotel you are at really. No problems with crime that we were told of anyway.
We are really sorry about the problems with the review site. Several mods have tried dummy reviews and they have been accepted no problem so we don't know what's causing it. It may be the time it takes between starting the review and finishing it, but we're not certain.
All I can suggest is that you type the review in Word or similar and try to post it again. Let me know if that works.

O.K. Luci I'll give that a go after I've watched the Grand Prix this afternoon...I'm sure I should be doing other domestic type chores BUT it is the last day of my holidays after all

I'm going out on Monday (staying at the Riu Funana), and we're taking mostly Euros and US Dollars. Apparently a lot of the places will give you the Cape Verdean currency as change, which you are not allowed to take out of the country - or so I'm told. As for the hotel, it is All Inclusive so I assume that tipping isn't expected, and is generally included in the AI price.
We normally go to Tenerife in Feb/March, but want somewhere different, but still warm enough to get a tan.
What's the temperature like, what's the food like? is it good for kids (14&10)?
Much appreciated,
I have merged your post with an existing topic which should have some information.
Have just returned fron a fortnights holiday at the rui funana, the hotel, staff and food were all great but suffered badly with mosquito/fly bites, would recommend taking good insect repellant.
off to sal in two weeks time . hoping to have a great time as its our sliver wedding. would we be ok taking english money as well as euros as that was what we were thinking. can u use a debt card in duty free? what is the allowence for cigs etc?
euros were accepted everywhere we went including taxis and bars but did not see anyone using sterling , cigarette allowance is only 200 and i would advise buying on the plane going out (running short on return) if you dont want marlborough as thats all i seen over there.
Haven't found much info. Will the weather be good in September?
I see there are two islands being used by Thomson, if you fly into Sal, how do you transfer to the other one?
Is it purely a hotel based holiday, or are there bars and restaurants around?
were booked for Riu Funana cape verde in April 09 can any one tell me if its ok to take duty free also if this can be bought on plane we are looking at taking champagne if we can as we have a birthday there. or does to hotels sell this
Also visa's on line info would be a help - any idea of the weather at that time any info would be great
The all inclusive deal includes the local beer (Strella) a typical "Euro" lager and perfectly drinkable with most spirits being named brand as they are no local alternatives IE Whisky was Johnny Walker Red label. They will have champagne but not sure if included in the all inclusive. You could email them to find out details (Google for RIU web site).
The rainy season in Cape Verde is August to October but this year was the first decent rain for 7 years so you should be safe in April! The islands are quite windy - just a gentle breeze when we were there but strong in Feb/March which is peak windsurfing time.
The island itself is a rock/sand desert with absolutely nothing to see or do that doesn't revolve around watersports. Having gone for a week of total relaxation in good weather with nice food/drink this ticked all the right boxes but if you are looking for good trips, culture etc you will be sadly disappointed in Sal (can't speak for the other islands).
There are restaurants and bars in Santa Maria but beware hawkers in the day and don't get persuaded to visit the local market - you won't get out without buying some awful local tat!
Any questions let me know.
off to cape verde in march and wondered if anyone can answer the following
1.are there lots of mosquitoes? (they love me and hubby)
2.what language do they speak on the island it worth hiring a car - have filled the on line form but still worry about not getting a visa at the other end
5.also do you need a special travel adpator for cape v
any tips very welcome
Car hire IMHO would be a waste of time as there is not much to see and what there is can easily be accomplished with excursions. If you do get one you need a 4x4 as there are very few roads worthy of the name - most are dirt tracks.
The language is either a local dialect or Portuguese but fortunately most people in the tourist area speak excellent English.
Don't worry about a visa - if you have used the Thomson site and had an acknowledgement it will be waiting on your arrival.
Regarding the electric the usual 2 pin continental adaptor will suffice.
It is an interesting chill out type of holiday - don't expect sightseeing or culture!
many thanks

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