Spain - Canary Islands - Tenerife Discussion Forum

Discussions regarding holidays in Tenerife.
Saw the programme, Fiona. Nice company. Stay clear.
Totally. ( Know the area very well.)
  • Edited by FionaI 2006-08-01 21:04:45
Very interesting, I've always been fairly polite to the scratchcard touts in the past, from now on they can kiss my @rse!! :shock:
The sooner this company any others like it are shut down the better. Glad the programme makers have presented their findings to the Spanish government.
I must admit I was very shocked to learn that for every couple the touts get up the stairs they get paid €150. The loudmouth git boasted of earning €2K & up to €4K per week!!!
The only amusing thing about the programme was the fact that the touts are told not to sell to scousers because they are too agressive. :)
It's companies like this that give Tenerife a bad name & frighten off holidaymakers, which is why the govt should act now.
Have seen couples taken upstairs several times during my hols. :(
and have refused the sratchcards literally hundreds of times from the touts in that area. Recognised one "guy" in particular who was featured in the programme!! :roll:
As you say Nigel the Govt should definitely act now!
For those that didn't see the programme 'Holidays Undercover' last night, this link might be of interest:
Hi all

We have been travelling to Tenerife for over 23 years so have come across many of these scum in our time. I watched the programme last night and to be honest was not suprised at what they get upto. Have to agree with you Nigel though, I was suprised at the €150 for every couple they get up the stairs; or is it possible that he was telling the girls a little porky aswell to make the job look more inviting?

You have to ask yourself though how can people be so gullible and believe everything they are told without even checking it out. Who gets anything for nothing?

My dad always says ' believe nothing you hear and only half of what you see'. Stood me in good stead.

Rgds Jackie
or is it possible that he was telling the girls a little porky aswell to make the job look more inviting?

I agree the salesmen upstairs would have had a motive to lie about the comission, but the scumbag who boasted of earning up to €4K a week wouldn't have.

Again he could have been giving it large to impress the girls (undercover reporters) to make them think this was the sort of money they could earn. At the end of the day these three scum bags where in it together, they took thousands off holiday makers so to lie about the possible earnings to potential 'employees' would have been like water off a ducks back. They have got to make the job sound attractive. After all they need the ticket touts to get the unsuspecting holiday makers upstairs.

Rgds Jackie
saw the programme too.. recognised one of the guys and the area and have even been offered these scratch cards ourselves before....luckily Rob is a hulking great lump of a man and if he says no in the most politest of ways :lol: they usually accept what he says...

who in their right mind would fall for something like this anyway?

I hope they get nailed....

i seem to remember last time we were there they even had a granny of about 60 selling tickets giving it the poor " i am a granny" routine and " take a ticket of an old lady" type of thing, she was implying that if people didn't go upstairs she would not have nay food to eat etc....and how many people will turn nasty with an old lady?

everyone beware...
Almost feel tempted to intervene when we see the gullible folks getting taken up the set of stairs to the Carpe Diem. :evil:
Hopefully they'll get their just desserts soon and the Office of fair trading will be succesful in doing something about the situation.
I wonder,will the touts still be wandering around outside and opposite the Mediterranean Palace when I go back to Tenerife in late September :roll:
Will definitely be going and having a look.
I remember that granny you're talking about too. :lol:
Everyone just be careful of them if you're staying near/at the Med Palace they're all around the place...the only small downside to staying there or in that area. Carpe Diem is right opposite at Americas Plaza
What the guy said last night about not askin Liverpudlians is true. I am from Liverpool and have been to Tenerife about 10 times in the last 6 years, always staying in the Med Palace area (with the exception of our our holiday in July) and have never once been approached by anyone offering timeshare or the like. Even a few years ago when they highlighted on a programme about the timeshare touts by Las Vistas beach, we saw plenty of them about hassling people walking past etc. but were never approached ourselves.
I had to laugh at the reply that Carpe Diem gave to the TV company. According to that it was just a few "rogue" staff who have have now been spoken to and have been retrained. What utter bilge. You could see from the under-cover filming that this "rip off the poor customer" policy was endemic throughout the company, and the only way it exists is because it robs people of thousands. If it did operate the way it is supposed to (offering genuine discounts etc.) it would never make a profit.

We were in Los Christianos last year and were only approached once by these touts. No, I'm not from Liverpool or Asia and we do fit the age profile. Perhaps we were lucky.
With us, they did eventually get tired of asking the same people the same thing every time we walked past. The only problem was that each time we went back (roughly every 3 and a half months) there would always be new touts and we'd go through the same thing all over again. Trying to befriend you and all that c###....good job we knew what to expect,not that either of us would be taken in or interested in something like that anyway to be honest.
My OH is a big muscular built guy too,who's nickname at work is "Ram man" :lol: (only because of his build I have to add) We were probably always polite though and although found it a bit annoying,they were never rude to us...obviously part of the way they operate.
The next time we're there my OH says he's going to put on a Liverpudlian accent! :wink: :lol:
Get yourself a pushchair!!! They never approach people with your kids!!!!
Or a Liverpool football shirt. :wink:
Best way to deal with these cockroaches is not look at them,dont speak to them and totally ignore them and keep walking.
The trouble is that they will shut down suddenly now and re open next day with a different name. Hopefully one day soon they will get taken up to the deck themselves.......the Cell deck of the Spanish police!!!
Would actually never have contemplated striking up a conversation with any of them...just a polite "No Thanks" and walked on.

P.S.They tried to befriend us, make jokes about our accents (they overheard us speaking to each other) asked where we were staying,all the usual stuff.
(Maybe I'll get the Liverpool shirt though,that combined with the big husband might work the next time :wink: )
Hi All

When they approach you and try to hand you the scratchcard don't take it and tell them you live in Tenerife or already own your own property(not timeshare) there. That's has worked wonders for us over the years.

Rgds Jackie
I had an odd experience with a time share tout last year, though not in Tenerife (C del Sol) - this young fella handed me a scratch card and pointed out the booth where i could claim my prize if I won and walked away. I had no intention of using it anyway, but about 30 - 40 seconds late he was back over to us looking a bit unsure of himself and asked "are you English". I said "No - Northern Irish". He then said he was very sorry but had to take the card back off me again because it was a promotion only for English!

It was quite funny but I felt strangely offended - to be REJECTED by a time share tout!!!! (I got over it though)
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