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chat room
17 Posts
Near the bottom of the main page. Click on the icon of 2 heads to enter.

luci :wave
hi lucy
either i am in the wrong place or i am doing something wrong,the icon with two heads is the pm icon if i click on that,it gives me a message from you but it doesnt lead me anywhere

you need to be on the main Index page, down near the bottom beneath the section "who's on line"..
lucy and boaz,e found it at last :cheers
when I try to get in to the chat room there is a white blank page would anyone know way this is please :que I have used the chat room before so dont know what is wrong ....colleen
Colleen - I've just been in there and it was fine
when ever I have visited it is usually empty - :cry
If you hang around in there for say 5mins - someone usually pops in Miss Pink
Perhaps I should do some more lurking then Helen :rofl
sometimes a few arrange a day & time Miss Pink & believe you me if you get 5 or 6 in there at the same time - it gets confusing :think
I guess it must be - I get confused in the bingo hall when everyone is chatting at the same time, wondering who is saying what to whom :rofl
No Joy with me Helen I was in a few mins ago and just the white blank screen in there for me :cry
Is your Java up to date? It is currently Version 6 Update 17. Download it for here and delete any older versions using Add/Remove Programs in your Control Panel.

luci :wave
Luci- I'm sure Colleen updated her java a couple of days ago. Since the last update on HT a few things seem to have been going wrong for her.
.Thanks Luci I have the new java now .....Helen your spot on with both things you say I did put the latest Java on ,,and things have only went wrong from H/T was going off and on before we went to India in November it was working fine before that .. ...colleen
Im very happy to say that thanks to the help of Mark and my son in law I am now sorted :cheers and can get into the chat room .....colleen
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