We made a conscious effort not to take my stepson on a plane until he was of an age where we felt it more considerate to other passengers.
Babies cry and scream because their ears hurt due to the pressure changes in the plane. It kills one of my ears and I've always had problems with flights on landing at overseas airports but not so much on returning to UK as the levels change over a longer period of time rather than sudden dips. It always makes me wonder why people want to inflict that kind of pain on babies only a few months old.
So the first flight we took with my stepson was when he was 4 and a half years old when we could have a conversation with him and - no screaming.
I'm one of those who cannot stand the screams from babies when I'm in a position where I cannot escape. At work when mums bring in their new-born's I'm the first who will disappear from the office once I hear the screams.
If there was ever an airline that offered adults only flights, I would heartily approve of them.
When I first met my (now) husband, I didn't know he had a young son or that he had recently separated from his wife until about 5 days into the holiday. I didn't get to meet his son until Boxing Day (after meeting his dad in the late September on a coach trip) and he didn't tell me his was bringing him along that day as he knew how I felt about children. Tom was 22 months old at this time and by now me and his father were living together.
The first 2 years of that relationship were really difficult for me and I could have walked out of the relationship many times over because I found it very hard to cope with a small child with whom I could not communicate. Tom used to stay over every other Friday and we collected him just on the Saturday on the other weekends.
As he got older things got easier and we have a very good relationship, even though at the age of 10 when I was picking him up from school one Friday afternoon as we were going on a last minute day trip to Barcelona early the next morning, he turned around and said to me "you don't like children do you M?" I've always been honest with him and agreed that no, I'm not keen on children especially those who are cheeky and don't behave or have tantrums when they don't get their own way.
Tom was always well behaved (he spent a lot of time with his gran whenever his mum was working) and she wouldn't have any nonsense. The only problem we ever had was with him going to bed of an evening because his mum let him fall asleep on the sofa in front of the tv and would put him to bed when she was going herself. We didn't allow that in our house but once he found the joy of books - that was fine. We were happy for him to take a book to bed and he would often fall asleep after just a couple of pages. (Very much like his Dad does now when he heads off to the bedroom in the afternoon when it's waaaaay too hot here).
Tom and his long time girlfriend are shortly due to come and stay with us during their holiday when he's back on land after 6 months at sea. He's in the Australian Navy and is currently part of Operation Slipper in the Middle East. He's 24 now!