Chittagong is the second city of Bangladesh and a big industrialised port. Like much of coastal Bangladesh it was badly affected by the recent cyclone and whilst the FCO no longer advises visitors to only go if their travel is essential, the odds are that the local infrastructure is probably still not back to normal. The Chittagong Hills were a popular retreat from the heat of the plains for colonial families during the Raj but the FCO specifically advises against travel there now because of the danger of being caught up in border skirmishes and political unrest. Visitors who do intend to travel there have to give the Bangladeshi authorities 7 days notice of their intention to do so which is not exactly encouraging either.
You might well be able to find cheap accommodation there but you'll need to fly on a scheduled flight to Dakka and then get an internal flight to Chittagong which is approx 300kms away. So it wouldn't be a particularly cheap holiday in the end, with from the sound of it not much to do or see once you get there, despite the Bangladesh High Commission's attempts on their website to promote it as a holiday destination.
I am really considering a trip to bangladesh and am about to embark on some serious research, i know bangladesh has a tremndous amount to offer, i will follow this thread and perhaps we can compare notes, i guess i will just take a flight and lose myself once i am there,it will be a trip i will do by myself but have wanted to go since i postponed a trip i was to do with a friend just as the country entered some troubled times
found this website very useful.

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