I am travelling from the UK to USA then from USA to AUS and I am wanting to know CAN i take chocolate that is sealed and NOT opened in my suitcase?? Just my cousin in AUS wants me to take some Walnut Whips out for her.....but someone told me that you CAN'T take chocolate from the UK to USA and possible not from USA to AUS.
Any help would be great
Gill x
When we went to Australia, absolutely every type of foodstuff had to be handed in on arrival. You weren't allowed to take crisps or anything into the country.
As long as they are sealed you shouldn't have a problem. I have taken chocolate into the USA in the past. When you are going into Australia make sure you declare them. The customs people are very thorough and your bags usually go through XRay machines when entering the country. I didn't declare my vitamins one one occasion and got pulled out of the line and royally told off.
Any one want any Walnut Whips!!!!! Do you think i could post them????
Look at the following site http://www.daff.gov.au/aqis/faqs it's the Oz customs site it tells you what can be taken in to the country, your walnut whips should be OK
Thanks for that link it was VERY useful even down to what it says about shoes!!! ill have to give my shoes a good clean!!! Looks like I have to declare the chocolates but I can take them in.
Gill x
I havent seen walnut whips for years!.Do they still make them?
Yeah my cousin was seeing the lady who is organising her wedding in Australia and she was english and she brought out these chocolate...as my cousin discribed them cone shaped chocolate with white fluffy stuff in side and a walnut ont he top!!! So as a wedding gift this is what im taking them as they loved them so so much!!! Well they have a house lived together for years so they have everything they want!!!
They were my favourite sweet but must admit I thought they had been discontinued when Nestle took over Rowntrees.I have googled so know what to look for now!.
I got mine from Woolworths but also tescos have them in!!!
Funnily enough, my Dad is down in Australia at the moment and took with him the usual chocolate, biscuits, sweets and tea bags that our relatives asked for - including Walnut Whips (from Asda by the way - Jay Trip!). We checked the Australia Customs site in advance to check if items could be taken into the country. Dad declared the items on the Customs form and had a list of all the items to show the Customs official. He had no problems at all.
Thanks so much for that i wounder what they will say when they see I have about 7 boxes of 6 walnut whips!!! I will type out a list for when I land...just need to sort out the USA now!!!!
Gill x

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