Thought this might cheer us up (especially those of us who cant make it this year, done to the tune of winter wonderland)
Hear the waves,are you listening,
On my brow, sweat is glistening,
Cracking a beer, were glad to be here,
Winter in a Goa wonderland
Come on down, bring your cozzies,
And some spray,for the mozzies,
We are having a hoot, in Calangute,
Winter in a Goa wonderland
In the afternoon we'll hit the sunbeds,
So that we can all top up the tan,
Maybe order curry for our dinner,
Accompanied with a cheese & garlic nan
Later on we'll perspire,
As the temperature gets higher,
Santa looks out of sorts,
He should be in shorts,
Winter in a Goa wonderland.
Merry Christmas everyone......Keith....