Was indeed Dwarka Mardon.

But seriously you will be very lucky to see any spiders or scorpions unless you know how/where to find them.
Snakes are the biggest problem in India and the most deadly ones are Kraits.
Sea snakes are venomous but they cant bite humans because their fangs are too far back in their mouths.
When in Goa i have a routine of checking inside my shoe's and stuff for beasties and when i am packing to come home i check all my clothes inside and out as i pack into my case- so that nothing is hitching a ride home with me

Edited by
billy b
2009-01-22 12:31:54
I've never seen a snake in Goa and this will be my 4th time. I'd like to see one from a distance though.
If you go a ask the fishermen when they are emptying their nets on the beach -they will probably have one that was caught in their nets
Think it was dead x lassi
as i said before their fangs are short and are at the back of their mouth and its harder to bite- but they should be treated with respect just the same!
Last year I saw a sea snake in the baga river, the poor thing was trying to escape back out to sea. One of the Indians decided it would be funny to catch it and chase the tourists that had gathered to look at it, of course all the girls were screaming and that made them throw it about even more, it was very sad to see as they were throwing it high up into the air, the poor thing didn't stand a chance
I've decided I dont like this topic
Oh no Mardon, that's the only one I've ever seen and that's only because it was caught up in the fisherman's nets when they came back, don't be getting all paranoid.

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