nickmacuk wrote:
If you see a hotel listed that no longer exists or has changed its name, don't keep the info to yourself and quietly criticise the team for not knowing. You can post in the Add a Hotel topic at the top of the Help and Assistance forum and it will be deleted or amended.
I did report such a case some time ago but it took some time to get the team to accept what I was saying was correct and for a a while afterwards the hotel was listed separately under two different names. :(
Surely that's just the team being thorough ? Things must need to be checked out as people make mistakes and this work has to be done on top of all the moderating and administration, with it being only one persons responsibility it must be difficult, that person may have been on two weeks holiday when you first mentioned it then had to come back with all the catching up to do.
It's not like it didnt get done at all.
HT is always my first port of call. I know it's independant which none of the other sites are. TA is OK for hotel reviews although you never really know if they are genuine or put up by a hotelier if they are good or a rival hotelier if they are bad. Goodness knows what happened to the hoildaywatchdog site

all seemed to go pear shaped on there.
I will always put up a review of a hotel I have stayed in on here, just in case it helps someone.
The forums on TA are a nightmare as they never merge things so if you go on the Egypt forum there might be 20 new posts 10 of which are 'what currency do I take to Egypt'
Can't be bothered to read such posts as half have no answers anyway and I can't be bothered to respond as the posters can't be bothered to read back to the 300 times it has already been answered on the previous 10 pages of TA.
I like the way this forum is modereated and administered, there may be less posts but they are more interesting and a lot less duplication.
I also feel its more personal and I tend to trust the answers I get here and also feel any answers I give are appreciated. I also like that we can edit posts.
Well done mods and admin.

I know it must be a thankless task a lot of the time.