Hi - we've just had a fabulous two weeks in Bodrum _(not counting a couple of days illness anyway!) However - we had one major problem regarding flight times and check-in rules at the hotel, and I would welcome any advice on whether I should complain.
We arrived in the TMt hotel in Bodrum at 8.00 am on Monday 12th Sept - and were told that if we wanted to check-in right away we would lose one night, or we could wait until 2pm (in 30 degrees, and Uk clothing!) and check in then.
We were advised that we could always book an extra night at the end of the holiday to compensate - at the 'reps rate' of £50.00. We were in no fit state to argue after a sleepless night, so we agreed to check in and argue later.
We were subsequently unable to book the extra night, and the rep avoided us. We asked for a cokplaints form, and didn't get one. We spent our last night in sat chairs in recpetion. Cosmos Rep & hotel staff were unsympathetic to our arguments, and we felt conned out of one nights holiday. We saw others with the same dilema, and it seem that the Hotel is getting paid for 15 nights for every 14 booked!
I had phoned Cosmos before leaving to check brochure small print to this effect, but was told that it did not apply and that we would be able to access our room on arrival without penalty.
Do I have a valid complaint - and if so - how should I approach this?
All help appreciated - many thanks.
I have always been led to believe that if you arrive in your resort via a "Night Flight" and your room is ready for you an arrival that, that counts as your first night (unfair I know) we arrived about 6am and went straight to our room and then on leaving we sat around in the hotel foyer untill early hours to picked up...
again only my opinion...

I would personnally prefer to wait around in the evening and not in the early hours of the moring (we arrived in Crete at 7am one morning, the bed was the best i have ever slept in!!!)
Ironically - while we were sat in reception waiting to be picked up at 4.00am, 'our' room was booked out to a couple arriving at 3.00am!
Had we refused on arrival to check in early, the room would have needed to be vacant for our 14th night, so they had clearly adjusted their bookings accordingly.
I sometimes think we accept things as consumers that are truly unaccpetable.
shazzer, how many nights did you actually spend in the room? 13 or 14?
Although we didn't actually arrive in Turkey until 12/09/05 - and our flight back was at 7.45am on the 26/09/05.
All that waiting on a final day is a total pain. Even for earlier flights say at 8 or 9pm can mean a long wait without a room. We always make our own arrangements for the final day, to rent a room elsewhere if we are on a flight after late afternoon. It works out cheaper than using a Rep. £50 is excessive to say the least. If you take a night flight again then ask around at the place you are staying and see if you can share a room with someone else and share the cost or even better make friends with someone who is departing at a later date to yourself yourself!

We werent scheduled to be picked up on our return journey to the Airort, until 11.30 at night.......

I read all the small print, and saw that if the flight left before midnight, then that would be considered your first night. I phoned Cosmos and checkedthis point as our flight left at 12.20am - and they said that this did not apply. The rep, said differently though on our arrival.
I think it's pretty disgusting - and that the hotels are making a fortune out of this.

We arrived at our hotel in gran Canaria, at 5.30 in morning, this was classed as our first night there!!! On departure we had to be out of our rooms at 10, and we wasn't been picked up until 1.00 in morning, and there wasn't even a curtersy room available (15 hours in total),Talk about totally knackered!!!
This was the first and last time we ever booked a night flight, although we wanted to go to gran canaria next year, but the flights were almost identical to the times we went first time, so no way!!! We booked to go to tenerifge instead, with lovely early afternoon flights!!!
Shazz, you live and learn love, at least, you'll know better for next time (We certainly did!!!) BBB.

Couldnt you have gone out, and left your luggage?

We arrived at Gatwick at 9.30 am - 24 hours after getting out of bed and having had o sleep since! I phoned my daughter to ask her to feed the cats one more time as we'd be later home than we expected. Heaven knows who I phoned, but she never got the message!! My brain was utter sawdust by that time!
We booked into a hotel near the airport and slept for 14 hours non-stop.....
The b******s won't get the chance to do that to us again I can tell you.............!
Many thanks to all of you who replied to my appeal - I've lived and learned! x
The TO really need to get their heads around this situation and offer something a little bit more reliable regarding collection and storage of luggage. For example in Rhodes this year, on departure day, we were asked to leave our bags outside the villa, on the pavement. This sort of situation is ridiculous.
Cromwell - we had planned to walk itno Bodrum for the evening - but that morning I'd taken Imodium for the second time during the holiday and hadn't wanted to stary far from the 'facilities'.....
...sorry - my spelling could have been better on that last post.......brain still fuggled!
I appreciate that you ended up having an uncomfortable time hanging around the hotel foyer but you didn't lose a night - though you probably would have done if you'd taken up the rep's offer of delaying your check-in inorder to try and keep the room for the night at the end. But as it is, you paid for 14 nights use of the room and that is what you had in the end becasue in the hotel world a room 'night' runs from noon til noon and if you check-in before midday then that does count as a 'night'. This is why many of us will not consider night flights at any price and why I'm always prepared to pay more for a morning flight that means an early afternoon check-in on arrival and usually an early morning check-out after a refreshing night spent sleeping in my room without an interminable wait in the hotel's public areas before the pick-up to go to the airport.
You are completely correct in everything you say, and I for one have had my fingers burnt in exactly this way in the past, so would not consider night flights ever again!
Thats the beauty of these forums, members who are not regular travellers can be made aware of these issues, BEFORE they book, and learn from others experiences.
thanks for drawing it to our attention

this has happened to us many a time, the night you travelled was your first night, the room was prob cleaned late the night before ready for your arrivel after 13 more nights you woulkd have to vacate your room.
This was our first package deal holiday - I had checked it all out with Cosmos - and there had been no mention of this noon <> noon principle. It's clearly accepted practice amongst you more seasoned travellers - most of whom are seasoned as you too have been bitten before.
Ahhh well - I live and learn eh?!
When I booked holidays years ago I used to think "oh well it doesnt matter what time the flights are, we will be so excited at going on holiday it doesnt matter you are arriving in the early hours of the morning!"
But now its one of the first things I check, because its a nightmare checking out at 10.00am and flying out at 3.00am the next morning.........a horrible end to the holiday

Not so bad if you are leaving about 9pm, because you can make an extra day of it, and have a nice meal out before you leave......

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