you should have received a receipt/booking form either in the post or by e-mail with your booking ref.. take that to check in [tip also make a copy and keep it separate to the original encase you loose one] no you will not get bag tags [see
thanks for that. put my mind at rest.
going on sept 11th,same company.had the same email about being ticketless.printed copies off to take to check in,so hopefully there should not be any problems.was not expecting any further correspondence;ie luggage labels.will have to put HT ones on.
Yes it was quite straightforward on Monarch this year. Everybody on flight was ticketless. We just gave them our email and there were no problems - if anything it speeds things up a bit. Definatley no luggage labels supplied, but they put the stickers round your cases (dont know what the official title for these are) anyway which presumably tell the handling staff where you are going from and too. We did make our own but they were a bit rubbish and fell off.
i had an email from cosmos, this morning, yes the email is all you need, and they dont give luggage labels, as they are electronicly tagged at check it, thanks for every ones advice.

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