letting - http://www.franksalt.com.mt/letsearch.asp - they are one of the main estate agents on the island - putting in 3 bed apartment, shows £200-400/month
electricity - per unit, about 10 pence - a bit more than UK (??), but use less
food costs - you will get some saying costs more than UK, others less - depends what you buy - if smoke and drink, and eat local produce, its definitely cheaper - if you eat UK brand food then more expensive - the thing is as always when you move to a new country is to mostly eat what the locals eat
as for work, unemployment is quite high, and despite being in EU the govt can and othen does refuse work permits unless you are doing a job a local cannot do
things that do save money : no council tax, car insurance v cheap (but cars more expensive), petrol 65 pence/litre - eating out - anything involving labour is cheap, like car service, a cleaner, builders etc
overall, moving from London, expenses for myself and my wife are about 50-75% of what they were.
gives general info on Malta incl cost of living, medical etc etc
Would you say moving to Malta is a good idea? Can we make enough money to live on and send money home to pay bills
TBH almost impossible to answer without knowing alot more - its cheap to live in Malta, but wages are lower - what sort of job are you taking about - bear in mind manual labour (eg car mechanic, waiter or building worker) earns around LM15-25/day (£25-40).
Not sure, bar work, hotel work, we are even considering buying a bar in Malta

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