Just wondering as we flew home with many Cypriots going towards Manchester (which seems odd when Easter is here and you would expect most to be with family for Easter) so wondered if they were visiting family in the area ?
More importantly (to me) I'm wondering if there is a big area full of Cypriot shops where I can get my fix of food, herbs and spices etc ?
Ha Ha ! If you get a response I would like a supply of Mythos for hubby and dad! The website we used to order it from only has small bottles and for some reason they both prefer the large. The only place we found selling the large bottles in Pernera was Toxotis hotel!!!
It feels a bit like "fight club"... maybe I'm not supposed to ask about the Cypriot community in Manchester... there is no community .. the first rule is there is no... ....
Thanks Kath ! I worked around there years ago and never noticed anything but then again I don't have a big I'm English sign painted on my door !... .lol
Yes I know that but as I havent been to Greece for a few years and they do sell it in Cyprus I thought it was worth asking. If they can get it, there might be a supplier not known to us!!
A good friend of mine, cypriot, has a bakery in Liverpool specialising in all kinds of bread including the ones you would get in Cyprus.
Around the corner there is a really nice cypriot guy who has a wholesalers he sells Keo, Mythos togther with all cypriot wines etc, it keeps me and the wife happy when where not on the island.
OOOoooooh you lucky thing David! My dad and hubby would love that. I'm sick of them going on about Mythos and Keo I think they may bleed Cyprus dry in June/July!!
Can't find Mythos in any local Tesco's or anywhere else we live between Sunderland and Newcastle and the only place we have managed to get the smaller bottles from is a Greek restaurant in South Shields where my mam and dad live but we cant afford to be eating there all the time!!