For those who dont know story - dont ever go with Goldtrail - whilst on the transfer at 2am the driver and Goldtrail rep started exchanging verbal insults and then the rep starting beating the driver about the head whilst driving!! Another female goldtrail rep who was on board hitching a lift back to Hisarono started yelling at them to stop. The bus suddenly slewed to a halt on the outskirts of Fethiye. Passengers interved and got them off the bus where they proceeded to beat hell out of each other against the bus which started moving backwards. One of the passengers got them apart (covered in blood down his shirt now) the rep with his shirt torn apart then ran away!!! and left us.
The driver now has a bloodied ear, lip and nose and broken glasses and is not on this planet! The girl rang the tour operator and nothing happened. Half an hour later still nothing - she said she couldnt contact Goldtrail. The girl rep eventually turned out to be the fiancee of the rep who had caused the fight - no wonder she couldnt or wouldnt get hold of Goldtrail. She also ended screaming at one of the clients who wanted the police called as we were in a difficult situation and she refused to call them. After an hour and half of us all stranded in Fethiye at 4 in the morning - eventually the manager of the tour bus turned up. A lot of discussion took place in Turkish and then he pronounced the driver fit to drive.! We refused to let this happen. as he was obviously concussed and got off the bus. Two minibuses turned up eventually and spit us up- We had to unload all of our cases ourselves and put between two minibuses and then had to sit while the cases were piled up at the back of the bus and hold on to them to stop them from falling all over us.
We understand this was probably an one off incident but the way we were left stranded is unforgiveable. I am just glad there were no children on board to witness such a horrible event.
We eventually reached Olu Deniz at 6am after landing at Dalaman at 1am
We have not heard one word of apology or anything from Goldtrail despite complaining to their head office. If anyone has had a result please would you let us know. The other Goldtrail problems were minor but involved being given wrong pick up times for day trips and a complete lack of interest in any of their clients. Stuart was a nice enough lad but he was being made to travel between Bodrun and Fethiye and Olu twice a week - n wonder he didnt have the energy to do his job properly.
Our first visit to Turkey - probably the last unless we DIY