Good morning friends
Not trying to scare you anyone but inform especially parents, for children are just like cats, ready to experiment with everything and rather more sensetive in allergies.
Noticed by other posts that people asking for scorpions or snakes and asnwers that nobody has ever meet one in Greece!
Well, they exist but simply are so well camouflaged that you will rarely see them.
Snakes like viper can be extremely dangerous and fatal.
PREVENTION: Keep away from any wheat, corn or any grass fields. Also do not sit on stone piles or try to explore them. Always wear shoes with shocks
ANTIDOTE: go to a doctor immediately
Scorpions. Their sting is very painfull but not fatal, except of allergic persons. they are hiding in the sand but also under flat stones.
PREVENTION: Always wear shoes and never search under flat stones
ANTIDOTE: AMMONIA STICK from any Pharmacie store
Poisonous spiders are very-very rare and again, dangerous only to allergics
ANTIDOTE: AMMONIA STICK from any Pharmacie store
Wasps, Hornets and Bees
Always painfull, sometimes dangerous to allergics. Wasps & Hornet stings come out after the sting as they look like a needle but bee's sting remains at wound as it looks like a hook, try to remove it with an eye-brow pincer catching the sting and not the sheath of poison
PREVENTION: do not panic and try to turn them away, leave them in peace and will go away as soon they find out there is not food around.
If you are at lunch, light a small quantity of arabic coffee ( the coffee you can buy in powder at super market under the name Greek coffee) in a small piece of alyminum foil. They hate the smell!
Another solution, rubber your mother in law with honey and leave her alone 5 meters away, will keep them busy
ANTIDOTE: AMMONIA STICK from any Pharmacie store
Centipedes, Always painfull but not fatal, hide at wet and shade places
PREVENTION: same as scorpions
ANTIDOTE: AMMONIA STICK from any Pharmacie store
AT SEA: (list with most often to meet at top)
sea-urchin, at rocky bottoms, not poisonous but painfull thorns
PREVENTION: Wear plastic beach-shoes. If you are unlucky, rub gently your foot with oil and after 15 minutes abstract the thorns with an eye-brow pincer
jelly-fish, exists in all kind of waters
PREVENTION: just watch out
ANTIDOTE: AMMONIA STICK from any Pharmacie store
greater weever, at sandy bottoms, poisonous fish, hiding in the sand with one poisonous top-fin & 2 at the side of the head. Very painfull and dangerous to allergics
PREVENTION: Wear plastic beach-shoes.
ANTIDOTE: AMMONIA STICK from any Pharmacie store
Scorpion fish, at rocky bottoms, poisonous fish with all fins!
PREVENTION: Wear plastic beach-shoes.
ANTIDOTE: AMMONIA STICK from any Pharmacie store
Moray eel & European conger, at rocky bottoms, not poisonous but fearless and aggressive fish, will attack any foot or hand thinks is a threat
PREVENTION: snorkeling or diving, never put your hands into holes where usually hide waiting for a passing fish or octopus. If you go spear-fishing never carry on you any fish especially octopus, use floating buoy to tide them there
Really very rare fish is the Atlantic torpedo which uses electricity and the Ray with sting, you may find them at sandy bottoms.
If you do snorkeling and you collect shells be very carefull, there is one which is also other shells hunter. The shell Conus mediterraneus, Extremely dangerous! Fatal for humans at most cases, is collected at rocky bottoms for its beautiful colours
Parents, at sea there is a simple rule: LOOK BUT DO NOT TOUCH!
I hope my post was usefull and not scary
Another excellent post. Unfortunately my mother-in law is long gone. Will my wife do?
Hope your wife does n't enter my post
Anyway, I would say YES, you can replace mother-in-law with wife but if you think the expences (transportation back home, coffin, funeral, etc) would n't cost you cheaper a divorce?
I forgot to tell you another antidote replacing ammonia sticks, in case you forgot to buy or take it with you.
It may sound funny and strange but it is not a joke.
At all cases you get stung by anything mentioned that antidote is ammonia stick you can pee, yes, PEE at the wound! Not as good as the stick but if you have nothing else urine will do!
Forget it. i'm staying at home!

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