I have now been home for nearly a month and I have caught up with work so apologies for the delay in completing the blog/review. For those who started reading my blog you may want to jump ahead to Saturday.
Note: I have also posted this review on other forums I use.
I got a bit carried away, I ended up writing 7705 words so grab a cup of tea before you start reading
Well it`s Saturday and I've finished work for two weeks and a day, the actual period of leave has been booked for over a year but we didn't know if we would get a holiday this year as my eldest has started Uni and needs financial help and my youngest wanted to go to Spain with her school but after saving hard we will be able to take a holiday, the relief when we finally booked was immense, the thought that we make it back to Icmeler for the 10th year was fantastic.
Our priority has been to pay for a holiday next year for the whole family as my job is not looking too secure at the moment due to a takeover and the fact that my role is likely duplicated in the new organisation but I suppose I have a 50/50 chance at the moment.
Anyway by cutting down my smoking for the last few months (I still have the odd one while drinking) and pulling in our belts in other areas we have managed to also pay for the flights for next year and have most of the apartment money so just the spending money to find now.
This holiday unfortunately is not for two weeks but only 11 nights as my brother has decided to get married next Tuesday and has asked me to be best man, absolutely no consideration what so ever and would not change the day when I asked!!! Oh well one has to suffer occasionally and I am actually thrilled he considered me for the honour.
We actually fly Wednesday from Manchester T2 with Monarch, I've booked car parking on the Manchester Airport website, the meet and greet came up at only £55 for 11 nights, I've also booked the escape lounge at a discounted price and the fast track through security although T2 is normally good and there is not normally bad queues unlike T1 which can take an age.
We did book two trips already online with ICR, On Monday 17th we will experience the trip to Akyaka, we are really looking forward to this one as other forum members have booked and I look forward to meeting them, on Wednesday 19th subject to numbers we were hoping to go on the ICR AI (Private) Boat Trip which has been unfortunately cancelled, we will decide what to do when we get there.
This weekend we are collecting all the bits and pieces together ready for packing.
My intention is to update this blog every couple of days instead of writing a review when I get home however if I slip for a day or two you will have forgive me.
Wednesday 12th September – Departure Day
Following the wedding Tuesday my head was amazingly good, my best man speech went down well and everyone had a great time.
My wife took our youngest (16) to school and came home crying, we then finished packing the last few things and then it was off to the airport but not before my wife and eldest (20) had a cry.
Motorway was good and 45 minutes later we had pulled into the meet and greet car park at Manchester T2.
Monarch bag drop, there was no on in the queue and five minutes later we were at the security check point, we had purchased fast track so beat the queue which wasn't that long.
Duty free we purchased 2 litres of Gin for £20 but I thought the cigarettes were expensive so gave them a miss. It was then off to the Escape lounge.
Escape lounge was smaller than I expected but drink selection was good, fresh sandwiches were brought out every 10-15 minutes and the choice was Tuna, Ham, Egg, Cheese, there was also cakes, pastries, cheese &crackers, salad and you could order soup. We spent a very nice two hours relaxing before we went for a walk and to board the flight. In my opinion the lounge was definitely worth £15 each.
Boarding was on time although not by seat row number but we were all aboard and pushed back two minutes late at 15:02
Our flight was with Monarch and we booked the extra leg room seats which were worth the extra we also had the advantage that we had three seats between the two of us as no one occupied the spare seat.
Following take-off the first service was for those who had ordered the hot meal, it actually smelt very good, the next service was drinks, special offer was two cans of beer for £7 which I took advantage off, mixers were £1.20 each and I think shorts were two for 7.50.
They then tried to sell scratch cards and finally duty free, a litre of Gin was £12.50, the cigarettes if you bought 400 ranged from £42 to £45
The plane was clean, the crew were happy and chatty, we had a little turbulence twice and the seat belt light was switched on, finally we descended into Dalaman and touched down 3 minutes early, Excellent flight all round.
Visa desk had queues but they were quick, the people in front of us were from a different plane and the visa lady put the wrong visas in our passport thinking we were from the same country, she only realised when I handed over two crisp ten pound notes, the visa were carefully removed and the correct ones inserted, she laughed and became quite chatty which is a first for an official at Dalaman for us.
It was then down to collect the luggage and then off for our transfer which was waiting outside, total time from touchdown 35 minutes.
Transfer was good, the driver stopped at a shop and got us two bottles of cold water, he didn't speed once and we were at the apartments in just under 90 minutes, the roads have definitely improved and seem to be finished.
At the apartments were given a choice of three rooms, we chose the ground floor apartment furthest from the bar and dropped our cases off going straight to the bar, three drinks later at 1am we walked to the Best Supermarket and changed some money, we got 2.87 which is the best rate in ten years visiting Turkey, it was then off to Nefes Pide where I had a stunning Adana Kebab and the wife had a chicken Shish, together with a soft drink and a bottle of water the bill came to 30lira, back to the hotel and the final nightcap it was time to retire after two long days.
Thursday 13th September
We woke up not naturally as planned but by my phone alarm going off in the safe, it was still set for early morning for work, thank god Turkey is 2 hours ahead so it wasn't too early, it was then a scramble to find the safe key to turn the damn thing off.
I thought I had only slept with my wife during the night but it was evident that I also had slept with a couple of mosquitos as well as my back had 9 lovely bites where the buggers had dined all night, where I had used Skin so soft the night before was clear but I don't but the stuff on my back, I will from now on. My wife didn't have one so I was obviously the preferred choice.
A couple cups of coffee and it was off out for breakfast, The three(4) bells was our choice and an excellent breakfast consisting of bacon, sausage, beans, tomato, mushrooms, two fried eggs, two rounds of toast and a glass of orange was thoroughly enjoyed for 8 lira each.
Next stop Icmeler Online, we changed the AI boat trip which we had booked online for the Stella Show including food, there was some confusion about the Akayaka trip and the online booking couldn't be found, Rami finally found it, would you believe after 49 years I still can't spell my name, all was well in the end. Note to self, always double check spellings when using online forms.
The new square

The rest of the day was spent around the pool at the apartments; temp in the shade was 33 with a slight breeze.
Evening arrived when you have to make the most difficult decision, where are we going to eat?
Don Conleoni was the choice and we strolled down, unfortunately all the nice tables at the front were taken to we decided to leave it for the night and go somewhere else, our choice was back the three bells as we love the Korean food. I had the Bi Bim Bap and Karen had the Yam Yam chicken, with drinks of 2 Gins and 2 large beer the bill came to 72 lira, it was a great meal, full of flavour, service was excellent. we were actually surprised to see one table eating Sunday Roast with those giant Yorkshire puddings, I didn’t know you could order through the week, we are going to keep that a secret from our daughter as she will want to go there everyday next year if she found out.
Back to the apartments for a few nightcaps and it was sleep time.
Friday 14th September
Woke up naturally, no alarm clock this morning. We both slept well and woke refreshed. It was actually gone 10am, a few cups of coffee and it was down to the pool, obtaining a sun bed was not difficult, the apartments are full but unlike August most rooms only have couples and there are very few children, we also notice a lot of guests are beach people and disappear down there each day.
Following a refreshing deep in the pool I had 30 minutes in the sun, I am not a person who enjoys sunbathing so I have frequent breaks to the bar for chats with other guests, once again the guests all seem nice and friendly, in fact there are a number of people who we met last time we came in September in 2006.
About 1pm it was breakfast time, I had the full English again and Karen had a Turkish breakfast, bot plates were cleaned quite quickly.
My mosi bites are starting to drive me mad with the itching so into the medicine back my wife brings and I found some Piriton, hopefully they will help.
The rest of the day was spent around the pool and before long it was time for drinks on the balcony, after a couple of gins I decided to lie on the bed, I woke up an hour later.
Mosi bites are still driving me mad, I had read somewhere that hot water, as hot as you can bear helps kill the poison, so I gave that a try, it worked and they didn't itch all night.
Dinner we had decided on Captain Bulls**ts, we both had the sizzling beef with garlic and hot sauce, they were fantastic, I had two large beers, Karen had two bottles of Strongbow, total bill 73 lira, just over £25.
We then walked to the magic garden, one of our favourite bars, two beers, two gins 28 lira. time to move on and we walked down the canal, Bamboo was 75% full, Majestic and Venice were packed with no seats.
The new stalls were very quiet; we walked along the prom and decided to go to Cafe del Mar for the last couple of drinks, slightly more expensive but what a view. Efes was 7.5 and local gin was 9, we had two each. It was then a nice stroll back to the apartments for a nightcap, I actually stayed up longer than I should have and before I knew it 3am arrived and it was definitely time for bed.
The bay viewed from Café Del Mar

Saturday 15th September
Again we woke naturally, it was about 10 am, temperature in the shade a lovely 33C, today was going to be a totally relaxing day around the pool, we read, chatted to people, went for a swim, had the odd beer, I watched some football in the afternoon, it was just a totally chilled out day, before we knew it 6pm had arrived and it was time for balcony drinks and to get ready to go out.
Saturday night and it’s time for the Stella Show, we had booked out table for 20:30 and we slowly wandered down arriving at 20:15, I gave the doorman our name and went to handover the ICR voucher for show and meal and he just looked at me, at first I thought there was something wrong but it then clicked with both of us, he had worked at the Moonlight Apartments in 2003 when we were there and it was just that awkward moment where two people know each other but couldn’t place where from, we actually remembered each other’s names as well.
We were soon sat at our table slightly right of stage towards the back but we were happy with our seats. Our starter was served which was Garlic mushrooms and very nice they were as well. After the starter a waiter asked if we would mind moving to the table for two directly in front of centre stage, this was a no brainer and the answer was yes, I would hopefully get better photo’s also I sat at the same table two years ago so I know the way things work which I won’t go into here as I don’t want to ruin the show for anyone who has not seen it, but suffice to say the couple who sat next to us and were laughing their heads off at us being moved received far more attention than I from Michael, he actually saw us being moved and recognised us as frequent patrons so decided to include others.
Michael was as fantastic as ever, I have now seen this show 10 time plus and I still enjoy it as much as the last time.
We had prepaid the meal with ICR at 50 Lira, Our drinks bill which consisted of
1 x Gordons Gin & Sprite
1 x Long Island Ice Tea
4 x Large EFes
3 x Local Gin and Sprite
came to 60 Lira after asking to have the first drink which is supposed to be free knocked off, strangely the people on the next table also had the same issue, They maybe think we have been too drunk to notice, normally I would have withheld the tip for this but the guys work so hard I couldn’t do that. I always have a different drink for my first drink to ensure I notice it, I also make a note of what drinks we have here as you can lose track quite easily.
Anyway for a total costs of 110 Lira + tip approximately £38 it was excellent value as usual, where in UK can you eat, drink and be entertained for that amount of money.
The Stella Show

A gentle stroll back to the apartments and a few final nightcaps it was time for bed.
Sunday 16th September
Another beautiful day in paradise, again we woke naturally, we decided to eat breakfast at the apartments and then had a couple of hours around the pool, about 1pm I fancied a walk and we walked into the old village and eventually ended up at Tommy’s for a lovely hour sampling his drinks and service while cooling down in the shade.
Although we didn’t eat there was a couple having Sunday Roast and it looked very good, we noticed that the drinks were cheaper than most places, a large Efes was 5 Lira and a short with mixer was 7.5 lira.
I can now understand why people use Tommy’s as a set off point to walk to the flag and for others to wait their taking photos, the view is good and the place is relaxing. We did discuss about returning for a meal one evening but unfortunately never got round to it, may be next year.
We walked a different way back to the apartments, it was a fun walk and I can now put a place to so many apartment names discussed on this forum.
Taken during our walk from Tommys

As most people know me from the forum we do enjoy the Sunday Roast at the Three(4) bells so after getting ready we trooped down for about 7.45, it wasn’t that full when we arrived but it soon got busier.
My wife wanted Lamb but apparently they had sold out earlier in the day so we settled for Beef, we only had one drink each and the bill came to 73 Lira
Following the meal we went for a walk to help the digestion, we looked at handbags and more handbags, I think we went to every handbag shop in Icmeler, we were looking for presents for our daughters, in the end we finally decided that as we are getting old (well according to them) the likely hood was that we would choose one they didn’t like, they would never use it, so instead and to make it easier for me I would resort to the old faithful and give them cash when I got home instead.
We stopped for a drink and they walked back to the apartments for a final nightcap, our intention was to have an early night as we needed to be up early the following money as we off to Akayaka for the day, unfortunately the best made plans sometimes fail and it was gone 1am by the time we retired.
Monday 17th September
What’s that awful noise, ah it’s the alarm going off, I have so enjoyed waking up without the alarm for the last few days.
Once we dragged ourselves out of bed it was time for some coffee and tea to bring us around and then time to get ready for our days adventure, there was another couple also going on the trip from our apartment and we met at 9.15 at the bar ready for a 9.30 pickup.
The Jeep that picked us up had STEVEW and his wife as passengers, it was lovely to meet you both and spend the day in your company.
Convoy to Akayaka

The weather was not looking good, Icmeler and Marmaris were totally covered in cloud, it felt quite cold although a lot warmer that we are used to at home.
Lots of cloud over Marmaris and Icmeler

There were three jeeps in total plus Rachel was in her car. We headed off through Marmaris and over the mountains towards Gokova, as we dropped down the other side there appears to be a definite improvement in the weather.
Weather looks better towards Golkova

Some type of barn

We hadn’t been travelling long when all three jeeps were pulled by the Police, paperwork was checked, passenger numbers were counted, the vehicles were given the once over, I believe there was a ticket issued to someone for what I don’t know but within 20 minutes we were on our way, this is a good thing as it ensures the tour companies/sub contractors are complying with local law and licensed/ insured etc.

The drive continues towards Gokova

First stop was on the Love road for people to try the Aryan, the road is lined with trees where you can see names carved declaring each other’s love, we spend about 10 minutes here, there was chance to use a toilet and also to give a flea ridden dog a bit of attention.

Back in the Jeeps and very quickly we were at the rock tombs, these are not like the tombs of Canos for the elite but were tombs for the less rich.

Aaahhhhh the dead have come alive

Re Back in the jeeps and we arrived at the edge Akayak where we stopped for refreshments at a stream side café and olive shop. The scenery is spectacular and next door is an old house in desperate need of renovation; I think I have found a project for when I win the lottery, I cannot think of a more stunning place to have a home. The water was full of fish and was extremely cold, it’s an ideal photo opportunity. Drinks were on the slightly expensive side but that’s normal at these type of places.


Once everyone was refreshed we continued to the centre of Akayaka, the architecture is wonderful and all the houses seem to follow the same theme. We walked down to the beach area and boarded a water taxi (Two between the group) and went for a ride down the river to view the natural aquarium, the water is crystal clear, the river bank was lined with buildings, with large gardens down to the river, some boats were moored and there were plenty of restaurants, We eventually had to turn back and during the return journey we moored to the side in a small lagoon where people had the opportunity to swim, the water was extremely cold so I personally gave it a miss. One of the guides found a small turtle and took underwater photographs.

The water was cold, only the brave went in.

Orange sauce anyone

I thought the little mermaid was in Copenhagen

After the short stop we returned to the harbour and disembarked to go to a restaurant for lunch, the choice was reasonable but unfortunately I chose the wrong dish of Mousaka which was basically just aubergine and rice, the other meals looked far better, again drinks slightly expensive. Following lunch we had an hour to walk around, we had a walk along the beach and watched the kite surfers in the distance, we also had a little walk around town, property prices displayed at the estate agents appeared to be very reasonable, a lot cheaper than Icmeler.
About 3.30 it was time to start the journey back to Icmeler, about half way we stopped at a place which was beautiful, you could swim in the small pool, look at the animals which included miniature horses, chickens, peacocks, turkeys, rabbits etc, you also had the opportunity to buy refreshments.

Fantastic scenery. You seem to appreciate it more from a jeep than a transfer bus.

It’s not long too Christmas

As we headed back to Icmeler over the mountain top we returned to cloud covered skies and the odd drop of rain, it did rain for 10 minutes when we got back to the apartments but that was all the rain we saw the whole holiday.
Weather hasn’t improved at the resorts, we chose the right day for the trip.

The trip was really enjoyable, good value for money and made a nice change, I would definitely recommend it, I would maybe not do it again myself and hopefully next year there may be a different option to go elsewhere.
Thanks ICR for putting this trip together.
Back at the apartments we ended up having three or four drinks before getting ready for the evening.
We decided to try Don Corleone and this time we were able to get a reasonable table although overlooking the side road and not the main road. Again the meal and service was excellent, the ravioli I had was superb, Meal with a couple of drinks each was 78 Lira, I actually had a brandy at the end of the meal which they forgot to include on the bill, I did mention this to the waiter but they just said it was their gift, they got a good tip that night as I included 8 lira for the brandy in the tip.
Looking down from Don Coleone

We then walked towards the square where I tried to use the exercise machines, not a good idea when you have had a few drinks.
Final stop was back to the magic garden for the last couple of Efes before retiring back to the apartments after a very long, very enjoyable day.
Tuesday 18th September
Well we woke up slightly later than usual and decided we would have brunch in Marmaris but would walk there; it was 12:20 by the time we had left after having a few cups of coffee and a natter with new friends, the manageress said we were mad and if we got tired and needed picking up to call her and she would collect us in her car.
We took a slow pace though town and along the prom, it was quite interesting how the drinks prices increased the further along the Marmaris path you went, it then started to decrease again as we passed the half-way point. The most expensive in the middle was 8.5 lira for a beer which to be honest if it had been much hotter I would have had one.
We walked past the hotel that is being built, I thought it was for Hilton but Savas told us later they had pulled out after a disagreement with the council and another company has taken over, I don’t know the actual facts regarding this. The hotel looks massive; I presume it will be another AI when completed so I won’t be going there.
Most of the walk had little shade apart for the middle section between Icmeler and the beginning of Marmaris.
For those who have not done the walk at one point the path forks, take the right hand fork, the other goes into a hotel, it’s not that clear. We went past the Dolphin pen it was amazing the number of people waiting to go in, it’s a shame that it still allowed to go on but this is not the place for that argument.
Once we reached the beginning of Marmaris we walked for another 10 minutes and then stopped for lunch. We both had Burger and Chips , We shared a large bottle of water and I also had a beer, total cost 25 Lira, we actually spent about 45 minutes sitting there in the shade watching people having fun on the water sports.
Finally it was time to get going again, we continued our walk along the prom, not once during the whole walk were we asked if we wanted a sunbed but a few bars gave us a bit of hassle but as usual a polite no was fine. Atlantis water park looked very quiet and they now invite you in to have a look around free of charge so you can decide. Before long and it was time for another drink, we stopped at the Romance and for two large soft drinks the bill was 14. I hadn’t ordered large drinks but tin the end I’m glad they were large. After another 20 minutes rest it was off again on the walk and before long we were at the Ataturk statue, it was 15:55.
We decided on the water taxi back which was 10 Lira each, the skipper offered me a beer while we waited for the departure, I happily accepted and it was a large can of Carlsburg lager which he charged me 10 Lira for, oh well it was a bit of a rip off but I enjoyed the beer while we cruised back to Icmeler, as soon as we landed back in Icmeler it was off to Café Savas for an Iced Chocolate and another large beer for me, we had earned them.

Back at Café Savas for refreshments

Back at the hotel it was a quick dip in the pool and we then enjoyed a couple of large Gins on the balcony while deciding where to go that evening, in the end we couldn’t decide so just went for a walk into town and ended up at Vince’s.
Vince was a fantastic host as normal and we had a great meal, I like the layout of the rebuilt restaurant and I had the best steak I have had for years with pepper sauce., Karen had Gammon which is the first time I have noticed it on a menu in Icmeler, Total costs with a couple of drinks each it was 76.5 Lira.
Final stop of the evening was to ZaZa’s for a couple of drinks and then a slow stroll back to the apartments where a couple of nightcaps were enjoyed while talking to other guests.
Wednesday 19th September
I think I did some exercise yesterday, my calf muscles are aching for some reason. We again woke naturally and decided to spend the day at the pool, as usual we read books, had a few drinks, and swam. At lunch I popped out and purchased some Salami, Cheese and bread which we had on the balcony of our apartment.
A friend of mine Abdul asked if I could have a look at his laptop as it was doing strange things so I spent a couple of hours cleaning his virus/malware infected computer for him, this seemed to do the trick and he went off a happy man. This working lark together with the late nights has started to catch up with me so I also had a nice afternoon siesta.
For information we have known Abdul since 2002 he occasionally works at the apartments, he has had a stall down the canal, he has worked at other shops, he looks after some expats apartments for them, and he takes his own products around hotels to sell. We actually think of him as Icmeler’s own Del Boy.
Evening soon arrived and as usual we had a couple of Gins on the balcony before we got ready to go out. Tonight we decided on the Majestic, we strolled down at 7.45 and had the pick of the tables, by 8.30 the restaurant was full.
I have always liked the Chinese food at the Majestic and went for a set menu, my wife did the same, I changed my choice of soup to Hot & Sour, this was followed by a giant spring roll and then the main courses, I was actually surprised that we also received the balloon bread at the beginning with the salsa and garlic butter, we only ate half of it to leave room for the Chinese. With a couple of drinks the bill came to about 80 Lira, I forgot to make a note of the cost.
Well we were both stuffed so time for another walk to work off the meal, we visited the new stalls but didn’t buy anything,
It was time to find somewhere to watch the Man United v Galatasaray, we decided to head to the sports bar , the bar was quite busy, people were asked if they wanted to watch the football, if the answer was no then they were directed to the end of the bar away from the TV’s, We managed to get a table for two near a TV, there were two tables for four reserved, one party turned up just before the game started, the other party failed and their reserved table was release 15 minutes after the start of the match.
Interesting just before the match started a elderly Turkish gentlemen brought his own stool and sat in the gutter of the road to watch the bars TV’s.
At half time we left the bar to return to the apartments to watch the second half with the apartment staff who are all Galatasaray supporters. In the end it was a good result for us.
00:30 we retired as the following day was the lazy day boat trip.
Thursday 20th September
Up bright and early helped by the alarm we had breakfast and got our stuff together ready for the 9.30am pickup, Rose’s husband picked us up and took us straight down to the boat where we were welcomed by Adem and his wife.
Upstairs we discovered STEVEW and his party so set up our sunbeds next to them, Steve was also expecting MARKCAV but before we knew it a head count had been performed and we were cruising across the bay to collect other passengers. During this time it was discovered that the wrong couple had been picked up from Marks’s hotel and they were actually expecting to be on a AI boat trip, an emergency car must have been sent for Mark and his wife and we went back to the harbour to collect them, it was then off on the cruise where we moored in a bay next to the AI boat and the wrong couple did a boat to boat transfer.
The sea actually felt warmer than the swimming pool and everyone had a great day, we went to the wishing cave and then across to the other side where we swam at another bay, in a cave, and then moored for lunch which was excellent as usual. At lunch time I think there was a bit of a panic, the beer reserves were getting low, before we knew it one of the crew dived in the sea and swam to another boat to collect extra beer by the crate full, this was put into the fridge and relieve was heard all round, the beer should last the rest of the day.
Besides the swim stops we also stopped in Turunc for 40 minutes. Karen and I have visited Turunc on many occasions so we stayed on the boat and had coffee and cake.
During the day I borrowed Adem’s fishing hand-line and trawled for fish when the boat was moving but without success, apparently the day before a gentlemen pulled in two good size fish.

We arrived back at Icmeler about 17:30, dropping off first at the central pier and then the harbour; Rose’s husband gave us a lift back to the hotel.
Drinks were 7 Lira for a small beer, our drinks beer, sprite, coffee and cakes,plus a couple of items of homemade jewellery came to 60 lira, together with the trip cost to total day was under £40, what a bargain, why is there a forum topic that Icmeler is getting expensive, it’s still good value to me.
Back to the hotel and we showered and went out early for Tea, we wanted something quick and light as we planned to head into Marmaris to see the fountains, we chose Harry Rams, it was lovely to see Typhoon again, he is a true gentlemen and excellent host. We started with garlic mushrooms, I had Meat Pie and Chips, Karen had chicken strips and chips, I had a large Efes, Karen had a Gin, total costs 43 Lira.
We caught the Dolmus from the main Tansas road and headed to Marmaris, by the time we arrived at the fountains it was 20.45.
First I will say what a wonderful job then have done in this area, the fountains are beautiful.
At 21:00 the music started and a single wall of water appeared , Projected onto the wall there were pictures of the Turkish Army, Weapons, Ships, Helicopters, Ataturk etc etc, the music was powerful and at the end of each song the local Turkish people watching applauded while we waited patiently for dancing fountains that we had been told about. After 20 minutes all went quiet, first thought was it must be the late show that has the dancing fountains so we waited for the next show which started at 22:15 and was exactly the same. Had we come to the wrong fountains, was everyone wrong telling us how wonderful they are, someone definitely told us at the apartments that when they watched them the opening song was sung by Andrea Bocelli. Maybe they had different shows different nights? We would try and catch it next year.

Back on the Dolmus and we headed back to Icmeler and our apartments. We stayed up quite late and before I knew it 3am had passed, it was time for bed.
Friday 21st September
Another lazy day around the pool reading, swimming, drinking, at about 15:00 we started to feel hungry, neither of us has a Doner kebab wrap so far this holiday so we decided that we would go and get on.
We walked down to Coco beach, I had a Chicken Doner Wrap and Karen had the Lamb, we shared a plate of chips, I had a large beer and Karen had a Gin, I didn’t make a note of the price but it was about 30 Lira.
As we were so close to Café Savas we also decided to go there so Karen could have an Ice Chocolate, we go home in two days and it may be our last chance.
Back to the apartments for the final swim of the day, I was actually feeling very tired so I go for an hour on the bed, Karen wakes me after 90 minutes and I am refreshed and raring to go.
As we ate late in the afternoon neither of us is hungry, Karen wants to check out the fountains again so we head off to catch the Dolmus, would you believe the first show start exactly the same as last night, we decide not to hang around and go off for a walk.
I have never walked around Marmaris so we headed down the road opposite the fountains, we took a right, found the Bazaar and before we knew it we had arrived at a very quiet bar street, it must be too early!
We walked along to the harbour/marina and I started to admire the boats. It was time for a drink and there was a nice small café bar with a solo guitarist which looked inviting, there were also locals drinking there which is always a good sign.
We enjoyed our drink and I paid, a bit of a shock, 20 Lira for a beer and Gin, it must be the location, average price in Icmeler for the same 14Lira.
We slowly walked along the harbour, the area is really nice, I haven’t been there before. We will go back next year as we checked out some menus and some places are very reasonable regarding prices.
It was now near 23:00 and I was started getting hungry again, we decided to catch the Dolmus back to Icmeler and head to Nefis.
At Nefis we spotted Abdul, he had just returned after visiting his father for 24 hours in his home town, he invited us to join him.
I had the best Tomato Soup followed by Adana Kebab, Karen just had a main course, we both had a soft drink each, when it came time to pay we found out that Abdul had already paid our bill, I tried to insist on paying but all he would say is that we joined his table and it was his responsibility. I have made him promise that next year he will join our table one evening so I can return the compliment.
Finally back at the apartments we had a few more drinks and then retired.
We had already agreed that we will definitely try the fountains again next year, no one knows why the normal show wasn’t on as it was not a Turkish holiday however since coming home it seems that there was something happening on the border between Syria and Turkey those couple of days. Maybe it was a sign of nationalism.
Saturday 22nd September
The penultimate day, In the morning we started our packing we then relaxed around the pool for most of the day, I watched some football, drank too may beers but thoroughly enjoyed myself.
Before long the day had gone and it was time for last main evening meal of the holiday, we decided to return to the Three Bells for Korean, We had the same as our first night and left full and happy, we then walked down to the Magic Garden for a couple of drinks, when I asked for my bill it came to 32 lira, I gave 40 lira and received change for 50 lira, I went back to the waiter who was standing at the bar and explained the mistake and gave the extra 10 lira back, I think I have now made new friends as they were very surprised that I had been honest.
We returned to the apartment and as usual on our last night hit the cocktail list, we retired late as we had arranged for a late checkout so didn’t need to get up too earlier in the morning.
Sunday 23rd September
We woke, the day to leave had arrived, strangely I was ready to go home and had been for a couple of days, I think this was because we were missing the children and wanted to get home to see them.
For the first time on the holiday I had a slightly bad head, I don’t normally mix my drinks but the cocktails for nightcaps the previous night was perhaps a bad idea, but I know next year I will do the same.
We finished packing apart from the swim items and towels, my wife made sandwiches for the journey home, put water in the fridge to cool etc.
We had breakfast at the apartments and spent the day around the pool, I watched the Formula 1 race and we then decided to have a light meal for the journey, all tabs were settled and it was time to get ready to leave for our 18:00 pickup.
The rest of the packing completed, cases weighed, all draws, cupboards double checked, the holdall we leave in the basement was taken to the bar to be put away for it’s 10 month sleep.
Tip left for the cleaner including spare toiletries and we are ready to say goodbye to our apartment. Keys and Air Conditioner remote are returned and I have my first beer of the day, I’ve been drinking lime and soda all day trying to recover from last night.
Finally Rose’s husband arrives from our transfer to Dalaman, it goodbyes at the gate and we are off, farewell Icmeler see you at the end of July 2013.
Transfer was 90 minutes including filling up with fuel. At the airport we checked in using the online baggage drop while everyone else was queuing up at the other desks. We decided to stay land side until an hour before our flight so we could finish our water.
Once airside we purchased cigarettes from Duty free which were cheaper than the plane and went to the gate, boarding started 10 minutes later and soon the doors were closed and we were pushed back.
Service was similar to the outbound flight and we landed in Manchester 35 minutes early, unfortunately this took the ground staff by surprise as it took nearly an hour to get our bags, other flights who landed after us were leaving the baggage hall before us.
Overall the Monarch flights were excellent and we have booked them again for next year.
Another fantastic holiday, Icmeler still has the charm, every year I see improvements and I think the council are doing a fantastic job, The people are as welcoming, the hassle is minimal, the resort is still good value for money which was especially helped with the excellent exchange rate, this year we got between 2.86 and 2,89, In total we took £1200 for the 11 nights and I brought back £200 and 185 Lira, We didn’t skimp and ate and drank what we wanted.
For me our first holiday without the kids for 20 years has been a success, we are still married, not a single cross word was spoken so the divorce courts will have to wait a bit longer. We enjoyed long walks, meals with just the two of us. We met some great people both visitors and locals. I look forward to the next holiday on our own again but we did miss the children and our friends who are normally with us, maybe I will have to save harder to have an extra week just the two of us so we can have both.
I’ve enjoyed writing this as it has brought back some great memories; I will try to do the blog again in the future but will keep each day short, I will complete the detail when I get home.
As usual I have not really proof ready this document so apologies for all the spelling and grammar mistakes.