What another great meet again last night,was good to meet another bunch of new people we had not met before,Dogfish and OH,Whiskas and OH,Deb and Pete and all the usual gang,Mike Richardson,Celcat,BrightonBell,Mr and mrs Chilly,LinB
B,travellingTrina and OH,
Heres a few pics but there will be more to come ,Off to the beach now:cheers
Left to Right, Mike Richardson,Whiskas,Dogfish,Split,Mrs Split,BrightonBell,Mr Chilly,Mr Dogfish,Chilly,LinB,Deb and Pete

TravellingTrina and OH

Deband Pete

Left to Right,Whiskas OH,TravellingTrinaOH,LinB,TravallingTrina, ,Mike Richardson,Chilly

Dogfish,Split and Splits O/H