Has anyone had dental work undertaken in Turkey? I've been reading that dentistry is a lot cheaper than here in the U.K. I have some missing teeth and my own dentist recommends a denture, I had a plastic denture made at a cost of £250 but CANNOT wear it, It just makes me sick,

I have tried and tried to persevere with it but it's a definate no I can't wear it.

Now my dentist suggests one of these metal dentures which doesn't cover so much of the mouth roof as the plastic type, and my dentist reckons I'd be a lot better with this type - at a cost of £450. I'd prefer a bridge (may need 2) but cannot afford UK prices (over £1000). Now I'm reading that at a dentist in Turkey I could have the necessary crowns/bridge work done for a fraction of the cost of the U.K, then I wouldn't have to have dentures.
I've been on hol to Turkey 5 or 6 times and love it, but have never thought of going to a dentist while there. If I decide to go abroad for dental work (I don't have dental insurance by the way to cover the cost so need to save up), I'd rather go to a country that I know, which would be Turkey.
I don't trust just 'reviews' on the net, so has anyone had dental work done in Turkey/any recommendations please? Shall I stay at home and get the metal dentures but have to take 'my teeth out' every night!!
Thanks anyone for any suggestions....