Hi Graham
Sorry to hear you are still struggling healthwise hopefully another week & you will see the back of it, fingers crossed for you.
From what you are saying it's similar in Namma Bay to how it was when we visited in mid October. If you walked along the prom, past the Jollie Ville frontage, Hilton F, Gazala Gardens etc all the way up to the end to the Sonesta Beach & Oonas there was restaurant after restaurant with empty seats.
There must have been 1000's :que. We did this 4 nights out of a 7 night holiday so don't think it was a one off & it was at about 9pm which you would think would be the peak for custom.
I think it is only the Russian Tourists that are keeping the place ticking over, with as you say the odd Brit & Scandinavian party as well.
There were still plenty of locals hanging about as they do, but the hassle wasn't too bad.
Don't engage with them anyway which does seem rude to me as our culture is to be polite, but it isn't worth it as it only gets their hopes up that you are going to buy & apart from food & drink we don't. I can get all the Chinese tat I need here or in Europe in the summer anyway - not that I want it.
I don't think the situation is currently being helped by these localised incidents that are taking place, yesterday I think there was an armed hold up in a bank in NB & a Policeman was shot. I know this could happen anywhere in the world, but it wont attract the tourists back, especially first timers.
I did feel bad for the Egyptians though as without tourism there is no economy in Sharm and it has a knock on effect for all their families back in Cairo